The wolves imprint

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Jacob: It was shortly after edward came back, and Bella chose Edward over Jacob. You knew that Jake was heartbroken, so you decided that you would visit him. You got to Emily's to ask the pack where he was. "Hey, Y/n, what are you doing here?" Paul asked. "Do you guys know we're Jake is?" You asked them. "Yeah, he should be in his garage. If not there, check his house," Embry told you. You nodded, thank you. You finally reached his garage. You knocked on the door. You heard a muffled 'come in'. You opened the door and saw Jake fixing his motorcycle. "Hey jake," you said. "Oh hey Y/n what are you doing here?"This is coming to you. "I just wanted to check up on you since the whole Bella thing," you said. "Oh, thanks, but I'm fine," he said, looking at the ground. "Jake, can you look me in the eyes, please?" You asked. You heard him muffle something, but you couldn't make it out. You put your hand on his chin and made him look at you. When your eyes meet yours. All you could do was gasp. You all of a sudden saw you and Jake's future together flash before your eyes. You rubbed your eyes. "What was that?" You asked. Jake started telling you all about imprinting. "So what you have this wolfy claim on me?" You said laughing. "Yeah, something like that," he said, laughing back. After you left, Jake had a big smile on his face. Since he learned that you were his imprint, his soulmate is one and only.

Sam: This was a few weeks after the beach. You invited Sam over to your house to hang out. You were just getting some cupcakes you baked frosted since you made them for sam as a gesture. You heard the doorbell. You opened the door and saw sam. You led him to the living room and went to the kitchen to get the cupcakes. When you get back, you place the cupcakes on the coffee table. "Sam, do you want one?" you said, gesturing to the cupcakes. "Yeah, I would love one," he said. You reached and took one and gave it to sam. "Wow, did you bake these. They are really good, " he asked. He looked up, and his eyes locked on to ours. All of a sudden, you and Sam felt a surge of chemistry. "Oh, uh yeah, I did," you said, trying to find reality. "If you were wondering what that was, I just imprinted on you," Sam said. You looked at him confused. He explained what imprinting was. You two just enjoyed the rest of the hang out together.

Embry: You were hanging out with Embry and the pack. You were talking with Emily about Embry and you. "So what's up with you and Embry?" Emily asked. "What do you mean, Emily?" you asked. "Are you just friends or what?" Emily asked. "Where just friends. Why?" You said. "Are you sure? It seems like you two like each other more than friends, " Emily admitted. "OK, maybe I like Embry, but what can I do he just sees me as a friend," you said, disappointed. "But why do I get the impression he doesn't just think of you as a friend?" Emily said. You looked over your shoulder at Embry. He looked over and smiled at you. "I don't know Emily. I'm horrible at picking those things up. " you told her. You got done with talking with Emily and went to talk with Embry. "Hey Embry," you said. "Hey y/n," he said as he looked up. As he did, he imprinted all the boys, and Emily could tell. But obviously, you really couldn't. All the boys and Emily looked at embry. Sam forced him to tell you. Embry was thinking really, my best friend. I imprinted my best friend. You sat down, and he told you about the imprinting thing. You were shocked beyond measure. You looked at the ground and started heading for the door. "Y/n wait. Don't go, " Embry pleaded. "Embry, I just need time to think. Please let me leave, " you asked. He got out your way and let you go. "Great, now she hates me," Embry said, almost crying. He didn't want to lose his best friend, and now it feels like he has. "Hey, im sure she'll come around. Embry they always do she just needs time to process, " sam said, placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jared: You decided to join Jacob and the boys and watch them cliff dive. You were watching from the trees as they one by one went. After a few hours of them going one after another. You saw Jared climbing the tree and sitting next to you. You smiled at him, and he smiled back. You two loved being in each other's company in silence. All the others were looking around for Jared and found him sitting with you in the tree. They smiled, knowing that Jared liked you even though Jacob disagreed. They all had a feeling that you two were imprints it just hadn't happened yet. If they were right, Jacob would kill jared. You looked over at Jared and in his eyes. You and Jared both imprinted on each other. After a few minutes of just starting you, both looked away. You looked down and saw sam Paul and Embry highfiving each other. But jacob, on the other hand, looked like he was about to kill. "JARED WHEN YOU GET DOWN HERE IM GONNA KILL YOU FOR IMPRINTING ON MY SISTER," Jacob threatened. Jared was obviously not gonna go down, considering his fate.

Paul: You two were at school studying in the library. It was just the two of you by yourselves. You were studying for a history class. You were writing down some notes. "Hey y/n, can I look at your notes real quick?" he asked. You nodded and slipped the paper over to him. You continued to read the history textbook you had. Paul slid the paper back to you. You two heard the door open and looked at each other, and that's when Paul imprinted. You looked over to him and was speechless. The rest of the pack was the door watching it happen. "Hey Paul, you ready to go?" Embry asked. "Yeah, give me a minute," Paul said. He talked about the imprint thing wolves do. You laughed at the fact you thought it was cute. But then Sam came over and tore Paul away. "Sorry Y/n but we need to steal paul," Sam said. You said it was OK and left to go home.

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