Ask you out on a date

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Edward: You were studying in your room. Your parents went on a weekend vacation. So you were home by yourself. You were in the middle of writing some notes when you heard a knock on your front door. You ran downstairs to open it. When you did, you saw edward in front with a smile. "Oh hey Eddie! What are you doing here? " you asked. "I wanted to come stop by. Are your parents home? " he asked, looking around. "Uh no, they left for a weekend vacation," you told him. "Oh, so you're home alone," he said. "Yeah, what's going on, edward?" you asked. "I was wondering if you want to go on a date with me tomorrow night," he asked, scratching the back of his neck. You were shocked that he asked. "Uh yeah, I-i would love that," you stuttered. "So I'll pick you up at 6. Is that good?" he asked with a smile. "Yeah, that's a great time," you replied back with a smile.

Carlisle: Carlisle snuck into your house and placed a note on your desk. He thought it was the best way since he was busy, and you could give it back to him. When you got to your room, you noticed the piece of paper right away it was on your bed. You walked over to it. You picked it up and saw. Hey Y/n, it's Carlisle. Would you like to go on a date with me, yes or no. When you're done, place it in our mailbox. You thought it was the cutest way. You circled yes, obviously. After you were done, you drove to his house and what he said.

Jacob: Since you and Bella are best friends and Bella knew the cullens. Bella came over to your house with the cullens to hang out. This was two days after Jake imprinted. You all of a sudden heard someone nicking. "Is anyone supposed to come over?" Bella asked. "Not that I can remember," you said, opening the door. You turned around and saw Jake standing there with some flowers in his hand. He noticed Edward and the cullens and got really uncomfortable. You looked at Edward, and you could tell he didn't like jake. You could tell he was worried he was gonna ask for Bella, all of them were. "Jake, what are you doing here?" You asked. "I was gonna ask you something, but it looks like you're busy, so I'll ask another day," he said about to leave. You reach and touch his arm to stop him. "No, Jake, I'm not busy. You can tell, " you said. " Uh, I was wondering if you would like to go to LA Push Beach tomorrow, just us two. It's supposed to be sunny, " Jake asked, nervous. "Wait, are you asking me on a date?" You asked. "Yeah, since you know I kinda imprinted on you. I was thinking we've known each other long enough, and I was thinking maybe we could give the whole dating thing a shot, " Jake said, nervous and fast. "Yeah, I would actually love to try," you said, smiling and blushing. "Oh, and these are for you, so I'll see you tomorrow at 12 pm?" He asked. You shook your head, yes. He left, and you closed your door, smelling the flowers. "Did I just hear my best friends just ask each other out?" Bella said. You kinda forgot they were there. You looked up and smiled.

Sam: He just straight up asked you the next day. Nothing special happened.

Emmett: You were at school. Your ex moved schools as you were told. It finally felt like a breath of fresh air with him gone. "No ex bothering you today," you heard someone say behind you. You turned around and saw Emmett. He's moved schools, so I don't have to deal with him." You explained. "Nice, I don't have to be your bodyguard anymore." Emmett giggled. "I mean, if you still want to, that's fine," you joked. "Oh, trust me, I want to Y/n," he replied. You smiled, looking at the ground. "Hey uh Y/n I know we're just friends, but. Maybe you would like to go on a date with me, " Emmett asked. "S-sure, I would love that," you answered. He smiled, then hugged you.

Jasper: He passed you a note in class when it was quiet. You were taking a test. You saw the note and smiled. You looked over at him and nodded, yes. You then shoved the paper in your pocket. As the teacher was coming closer. And looked down at your paper. You smiled to yourself as you continued your test.

Embry: He didn't know how to ask you. Cause you are best friends, and it would be weird. "Just ask her out, Embry," Paul said. The pack was listening to Embry talk about you. "But she's my friend, that's weird," Embry said. "You're just making excuses," Jacob butted in. "You like her she likes you it's a win-win," Emily said, bringing over muffins. "Are you sure she likes me like that?" Embry questioned. "She admitted it to me, Embry," Emily told him. He got up from the table and called your phone. "Hey Embry, I didn't know you would call," you said. "Hey, Y/n um, I have a question," he said. "Alright, what is it?" You asked. "Would you like to go on a d-date with me?" He asked you. "Yeah, I would love to Em," you said with a happy tone. You two then hung up the phone. Embry was smiling he couldn't believe he just did that.

Jared: he texted you since it was the safest way outlook of Jake knowing. Since every time you're hanging out, Jake is always listening.

Paul: He asked you when you were starting to leave school. He found you at your car. It was raining, and Paul came up to you and straight up asked. You were lost for words, so you shook your head yes.

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