First date

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Edward: He took you for a picnic in the woods by your house. His family made the food for you. You were eating the sandwich they made. "Edward," you said, catching his attention. "Yeah," he replied. "I feel weird eating in front of you since you can't eat," you said. "I promise it's ok. I actually think it's fascinating, " he said, laughing. "Thanks this nighttime picnic, it's really nice," you said, looking at the stars. "Do you like stars?" He asked. "I love space. I think it's so cool, " you said, smiling. "Really, do you know any fun facts?" He asked. "Did you know that the stars we see actually are little balls of gas that die out like a light bulb?" you said, pointing to them. "Wow, that's cool i didn't, anything else," he asked, wanting to hear your voice. " If you look closely, you can see the big dipper," you said, stracing it in the sky. He smiled as he did the same. You two had a great night looking and talking about the stars.

Carlisle: He took you to an art gallery. You were looking through a bunch of scenery pictures. Carlisle was right behind you, smiling at. How your face light up looking at the painting. "You really like paintings, don't you." He asked. "I love them. Just think about all the time a person spent on it, " you said. He laughed at you. "What? I think it's neat," you said, looking back and glaring at him. "I'm just thinking you're really cute," he admitted, pulling you closer. You finally left, and he took you home

Jacob: Jake obviously took you to LA Push Beach. You manly walked while holding each other's hand. Talking about random stuff that came to mind. He then took you to tell the pack about the imprinting.

Sam: He took you to the movies to watch a movie you have been wanting to watch. After you left the movie, you were raving about how good it was. He was smiling at you talking about the movie. He then took you out to your favorite restaurant.

Emmett: Invited you to vampire baseball with his family. Even though you weren't, he did that cause Edward invited his new girlfriend Bella swan. He thought it would be good for you to meet. You sat on the hood of the car watching Emmett he kept looking over at you. I'm making sure you're having fun. You always laughed at him.

Jasper: Since he was a cowboy and you liked horses to go horseback riding. You two were riding along a trail in the Forks Woods. You and him ride next to each other. Rarely picking up speed so you two could talk.

Embry: Had a picnic. You two talked and laughed. Along with just enjoying each other's company. You have been waiting so long to go on a date with Embry, and it finally happened.

Jared: Went hiking, and once in a while, showed his wolf to you. You also did that same. He was laughing how jacob hadn't found out. Since wolves can read each other's minds.

Paul: made a homemade dinner. Emily allowed him to use her house. Since the rest would allow him to just worry about you. You were surprised at how good he could cook. You thought it was nice of all the effort he put in.

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