009. dishonest

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chapter nine;DISHONEST

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chapter nine;

THE QUILL home was quiet when Abby returned that night. James was passed out on the couch, mumbling incoherently. He was shirtless (of course) and his phone was on his chest, light snores escaping his mouth. Abby couldn't help but snort when she saw his cracked screen, shaking her head when she passed him — but she had to smack his forehead on the way, and she heard him groan in his sleep.

After pouring herself a water, she headed towards her parent's room. She gently knocked, and when no one answered, she peeked inside. Both Darius and Amanda were passed out — rightfully so, considering how late it was — and Abby frowned slightly. She hoped her mom was feeling better than she was when she left.

Then it hit her: guilt.

She left her mom when her mom needed her most — and for what? To find some stupid treasure map? She wanted to cry at the thought. It wasn't worth it — not in the slightest — and she could only imagine Amanda sobbing to herself, crying out for her daughter's comfort, only to find silence as her only response.

Abby never felt like a bad daughter. She respected her mom, she loved her, and she did whatever she was told despite how much she didn't want to do it. The woman meant the world to her — but right now? Abby feels like the worst daughter. Where was that she's my world mentality when her mom was crying? Where was it when Amanda needed a hug? Where was it when she needed to be told that everything is gonna be okay?

The worst thing is that Abby feels dishonest.

Throughout her lifetime, she's prided herself on honesty. That's one of the reasons why she's so awkward — she doesn't hold her tongue, nor does she really think before she speaks. She speaks the truth, no matter the occasion.

But where was her honesty now? She didn't tell her mother about what happened at Ms. Lana's house, nor did she tell her why she's been hanging out with the Pogues. She further hasn't mentioned the countless attacks on her and her friends, and she hasn't told a soul about the grave robbery or the fresh treasure map sitting on John B's table. She hasn't mentioned any of it, and she wonders if that further contributes to why she feels like such a bad kid.

However, Abby knows, deep down, she can't be honest. She's already caught up in what's gone on, and she's got her toes stuck in quicksand. If she tells anyone, she not only gets herself in trouble, but she gets everyone else in trouble too.

She knows JJ definitely wouldn't be able to escape jail if anyone found out what happened. Knowing he's from a very bad family, and he himself has a reputation, she fears what would happen to him if things went south.

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