Chapter Twenty-Six

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Tommys POV

"Adam shes gone!" I shouted taking the stairs two at a time, adam ran from the kitchen. "Whos gone?" he asked, "scarlet shes gone shes run away" I said. "We cant go out now its gone midnight we are going to have to wait until the morning" he said. "I cant, I have to find her" I said pulling on my jacket. The front door opened and scarlet walked in, "where the hell have you been?" I said.

"Like you care" she said, "of course I do" I replied. She laughed "oh yeah I'm sure you care about the daughter of satan. Yeah I heard you, sorry I'm not as perfect as precious verity. Maybe I should go get pregnant huh" she snapped pushing past us and going to her room. Me and Adam stared open mouthed at each other, "that could have gone better" he said. "She heard me, everything I said I'm a horrible father" I said.

"Babe you're not you were mad, she knows you didn't mean it" Adam told me. "I know but I still said it" I told him. "Come on lets go to bed things will look better in the morning" Adam said holding his hand out. I placed my hand in his as we headed upstairs to bed, I watched Adam undress for bed I couldn't get enough of his chiselled body. How did I bag such a sexy guy like him, he caught me watching him as I blushed and looked down. "Checking me out Are you" he teased climbing onto the bed and sliding under the cover.

"I'm allowed because you're mine and no one else's" I told him running my fingers through his chest hair and kissing him softly on the lips. I ran my eyes over his bare chest and arms, he had so many freckles. "What?" He asked twisting a strand of my hair round his little finger. "Just admiring your sexiness" I replied, he smiled and kissed me. "Admire all you want but im going to sleep the new album is out tomorrow love you" he said his grip dropping from my hair as I watched him fall asleep. I laid and watched him sleeping  for ages before I eventually fell asleep myself.

The next morning...

I heard the doorbell ringing as scarlet ran down the hall and flung the door open, I headed downstairs and saw her making out with Dante. I shook my head as I walked past with ella-mae's bear and pushed the front room door shut behind me.  Adam had told verity she still has to go to school, he doesn't want her falling behind in her studies. Normally ella-mae is with him or his mom but I have her today, she's gorgeous.

She has a mop of blonde hair like Dante and bright blue eyes like verity. Dante doesn't want anything to do with her, that's his loss she's a total cutie. I looked down at her laying on the floor in her diaper, she's a chunky little thing though with chubby cheeks and tiny toes and fingers.

I picked her up and dressed her in her baby gro and then in her Minnie mouse dress. Scarlet walked in with Dante, "dantes walking me to school" she said. "That's nice have a good day" I replied keeping my eyes on ella-mae, "is that verity's baby?" he asked. "So what if it is, you made it perfectly clear you don't want anything to do with her" I snapped.

"Can I see her?" he asked, "I don't think so you better get going I don't want my daughter being late for school" I said. "Dad he's ella-maes dad he has a right to see her" scarlet said, "he lost all right to that when he left verity pregnant and said he wanted nothing to do with her or the baby. If you insist on dating this low life that's your damn choice but while im looking after ella-mae he's not getting anywhere near her now go to school this conversation is over" I said.

I watched as she took his hand and left, I looked down at ella-mae and picked her up. "Shall we go meet granddad?" I said as she grabbed my hair and pulled it, I untangled my hair from her fingers and put her in her baby seat. I put it in the car securing it as I slid into the drivers side. We headed towards the radio station, there were paps and fans crowded outside. "How are we gonna get through this ella-mae" I said out loud as I leant on the steering wheel.

I settled on going round the back of the radio station, security showed me through as we waited for adam. He came out and spotted us before rushing over and hugging me tightly kissing me softly as I blushed. "Hey baby" he said, "hey" I replied. He spotted ella-mae and picked her up, "hello beautiful" he said cradling her and kissing her hair. She looked up at him and grabbed his necklace trying to put it in her mouth.

"Shall we head home?" he asked putting ella-maes dummy in her mouth, "yeah but its packed with your fans out there" I told him. "Our fans" he corrected taking my hand, he promptly started to walk towards the doors. "You cant take ella-mae out there they will squish her!" I protested. "Not with security they wont, stop worrying baby" he said kissing my cheek.

He took my hand as we stepped outside and the fans yelled their heads off, ella-mae started to cry at the sudden loud noise. Adam gently rocked her in his arms as she quietened down, the fans clamoured at the side chanting Adommy as adam handed me ella-mae so he could sign things for them. "Whos the baby???" "Is the baby you and tommys?" the fans asked always wanting information.

"Yes me and tommy are together, this is ella-mae my granddaughter" he said addressing them all as they awed and he smiled. He took my hand and tilted my chin before his lips crashed into mine, the crowd whooped as I blushed and he did too looking down. We wrapped up the fan meet and greet and headed back to the car, "so the fans know about ella-mae" I said. "They do its about time they knew" he replied. We headed home and climbed out settling in for a night watching films and eating icecream and popcorn.

Blood Is Thicker Than Water: Sequel To Family TiesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя