Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Scarlets POV

Ive been here for just over a month now, its slowly getting easier. The first few weeks were the worst though, I have the scars to prove it. I remember the day my dad dropped me off here like it was only yesterday.


"No I don't want to go in there! I'll stop it all dad please i'll do anything just don't make me go there please" I begged clinging to his jacket like I was a kid again. "Im sorry" he whispered as 2 guys grabbed and arm each and dragged me inside. I looked back and saw my dad leaning on adams shoulder as I kicked and screamed in the arms of the 2 doctors. That day I was placed in a room and locked in, the days that followed I struggled. What I needed I couldn't get, I became desperate. Resorted to hurting myself in the chance I would be sent to a hospital or something where I could get what I needed. But I was wrong.

End of flashback..

I heard a knock on my door as I pulled the sleeves on my cardigan down, "come in" I said as one of the doctors came in. "Your dad is here" she told me, I stood up and followed her into the communal front room. He had purple hair now, I caught a flash of silver as he waved at me. I sat opposite him as he smiled, "hey" he said quietly. "Hello" I replied, "how are you?" he asked. "Me? Im fine thanks hows everyone at home?" I questioned, "they are fine. More than fine actually" he replied. "Oh yeah that's good" I retorted, "don't be like that, its weird not having you there" he answered. "Oh yeah im sure it is" I replied sarcastically, "I have something to tell you" he answered.

"Oh pray tell" I replied, "me and adam are well" he started. "Well spit it out" I said, "we are getting married" he said. "Wow that was quick so whens the wedding?" I asked, "next month" he told me as my mouth fell open. "That was fast!" I said, "yeah weve been engaged for 6 months" he said. "What the fuck?!" I shouted, "we didn't want to tell you" he told me. "Who knew?" I said calmly, "it doesn't matter" he told me. "Like fuck it doesn't matter who knew!" I said trying not to loose my cool, "me adam and verity" he replied.

"Verity? Verity knew before me? Are you freaking serious!" I yelled shoving the chair back, "scarlet you were going through some crazy ass stuff I didn't want to make things worse. I know you hate verity and adam but I love adam and verity comes as part of the package" he explained. "You know what fuck this, have a good wedding but im not going to be there" I replied as I turned and walked away.

The next day.....

"A lady is here to see you she was very insistent" the doctor said, I dragged myself off the bed and followed her into a room. I saw a flash of blue hair as verity turned to face me, "what the fuck do you want?" I said as she looked me up and down. "To talk some fucking sense into your stupid head asshole!" she snapped. "What could a stuck up little whore like you possibly say that I could give a shit about" I retorted, "really this shit again? Do you know your dad has been going out of his fucking mind about you?" she replied.

"Like I give a shit" I snapped, "oh but I think you do. Youre a daddys girl no matter how 'gangster' you think you are. It must be crushing you to know you've made him so unhappy" she said her voice low as she leant on the table. "He didn't care to tell me he was fucking getting married" I said, "he was bricking it. Telling you while you were in here, but he loves my dad and no matter how much we hate each other they make each other happy. You need to stop being such a stubborn bitch and sort your life out, your dad is on tablets because of this" she told me.

"If he cared about me he would have listened to me about liz and he would be helping me through this not locking me in here. If he loves me so much why wasn't he there for me huh? There when I needed him the most" I said. "He tried to be, you pushed him away. Then I came along and made it worse, I know im not a very nice person but your dad is. If you love him you will stop all this and get better. But you don't have to listen to me, I doubt you will but it needed saying" she replied standing up. I watched as she left the room and I was taken back to mine.

Like I give a shit what she has to say, she should keep her opinions to herself. But on the other hand I don't want my dad suffering because of my stupid choices, maybe I should move out and lie on my own. That way I can do what I want and my dad wont have to worry, if hes getting married hes going to have a whole family anyway. Yeah that's what i'll do, I'll go to the wedding and then move out.

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