Let Your Hair Down

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A/N- This is based off a twitter prompt after Misha posted a picture of himself outside a salon called Castiel's hairdressing. Sam is dead and Dean feels lost and feels like he needs a change and somehow ends up at Castiel's Hairdressing.


34 days, 4 hours, 22 minutes and 34 seconds... now 35... 36... Dean couldn't stop counting the time. That's all he did now, as he lay in bed and refused to get out of the apartment that he and Sam had... No... DO share, do share. He couldn't believe that he'd lost his little brother, the one person he had sworn to protect since he was four years old. But he had failed, he'd failed himself, Sammy, his father, his mother. Unwanted tears slipped down his face and he closed his eyes, falling into the dark chasm of sleep once again.

Three weeks later and he'd barely left his bed, much less his apartment. There were beer bottles, take out boxes, whiskey bottles, dirty laundry all over the apartment. He hadn't showered in how long he couldn't even remember anymore. He had lost some weight, his hair had grown longer and he smelled to high heavens. But he didn't care, not in the least. His bed was his new best friend and sleep was his drug to numb the pain. Every day was the same- wake up, drink whiskey/ beer, maybe eat some leftover food, use the bathroom for the basic necessities, never look at himself in the mirror, maybe step out to get some more alcohol if he ran out, return repeat.

On one such day after nearly three months of Sam's death, Dean was taken by the idea of actually getting some food and making some. Got to start somewhere right? It had been difficult, but he grabbed whatever cash he had left, making a mental note to talk to Bobby about his current employment position and hoping he hadn't lost it, picked a completely different route and went to a grocery store that was a bit farther than where he normally goes. His hands went for the keys to the Impala but stopped once he realized who had ridden in the car the last time he'd driven it. Before he decided that his bed needed him, he quickly walked out the door and leaned against it once he was outside, breathing deeply.

"You can do this," he muttered before going down the stairs and walking out of the building.

A walk seemed like a good idea and he reveled in the pull of each muscle in his legs as he walked to the grocery store. It was going to take a while to get there and he observed each passing store and person with mild interest. His neighbourhood had changed slightly. A new store here, a new bakery there, someone undergoing renovation. It felt refreshing and he smiled a small smile to himself as he neared his destination.

Walking in, he made a beeline to where he would find the essentials- milk, eggs, bread, cereal. Once he got what he needed, he started walking around through aisles picking up vegetables and groceries that he wanted. Feeling slightly better, he decided to make food for the night and started gathering whatever ingredients he would need. Once he was done and had paid, he walked out laden with grocery bags. He was heading in the opposite direction of where he'd come from when he caught his reflection from the corner of his eye. His hair had gotten too long, almost as long as Sam's. A twinge of hurt passed through him and he looked up at the sign above the store.

"Castiel's Hairdressing," he murmured and looked at the shop. It looked fairly modern and fairly expensive but he decided to check it out anyway.

"Welcome to Castiel's Hairdressing, how may I help you today?", greeted a woman from the main desk. Hesitantly and with a shy smile, Dean walked up to the desk. He was very nervous as he tried to get some words out from his mouth but only ended up making weird faces before he gave up, patted the desk and walked out.

Dammit Dean! He cursed and facepalmed himself. He would try again tomorrow maybe or later. His hair wasn't that bad! He'd be fine without a haircut for a little longer. The convincing worked and he strutted back happily to his apartment to make himself some wholesome food and not just take out.

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