Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

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A/N- MERRY CHRISTMAS, HANNUKAH, KWANZA AND ANY OTHER FESTIVAL YOU MAY CELEBRATE!!! My other stories will also be getting updated soon.


“You have a good night! Merry Christmas!”, Dean wished as he handed over the customer their order. Christmas was always a busy time for confectioners and bakers and his shop was constantly busy during this time of year. He’d had to do over a hundred orders singlehandedly, the most ever.

Well, at least I get to take off tomorrow, thought and smiled to himself as he closed up shop for the night. After he finished, he stepped out into the cold Wisconsin night and walked to where his car was parked. It had started snowing lightly and he stood to appreciate it but was rudely interrupted by someone bumping into him.

“Hey!”, he exclaimed annoyed.

“I’m sorry! So sorry!”, the man yelled back as he continued running. Dean turned around and saw the man skid to a halt outside of his shop. The man looked panicked and distraught at the sight of the closed sign. Dean furrowed his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side and watched as the man’s shoulders slumped and he hung his head. He ran his hand through his hair and started walking away from the shop.

Dean sighed. He felt bad for the guy. It was Christmas after all. Before the stranger could leave his sight, he jogged over a bit and called out to him.

“Hey! Hey! Stop!”

The man kept walking and Dean was nearly flat out running to get to him.

“Hey! For the love of Christmas stop!”, he said as he slid to a halt in front of the man to stop him from going any further. He was hunched over, trying to catch his breath and when he stood up straight, what he saw made his mind go blank.

The stranger looked confused and the way his eyes were squinted and head tilted was making Dean’s stomach do summersaults.

“Wow. You’re beautiful”, he blurted out.

The man looked shocked. “I’m sorry?”

“Uh… I…”, Dean started nervously and a blush started to color his cheeks. “I saw you looking in at the bakery, Angeles?”

“Yeah. My sister asked me to get a pecan pie and Christmas cake. She told me it’s a really amazing place to get baked goods and I thought I’d surprise her but I don’t think I can now because it’s closed and the sign said they were closed until after Christmas so…”, the stranger ranted and then sighed. “I’m sorry about bumping into you before, I was in a hurry.”

Dean waved his hand dismissing the apologies. “No worries dude. Well, lucky for you, I can still save Christmas for you”, he said and smiled at the cobalt colored eyed man. They’re like snowflakes, he thought.

The man gave Dean a puzzled looked. Gosh he’s so cute. I totally have to thank Santa for letting this happen. “Well, I own the store. Dean Winchester, at your service.”

The man’s eyes widened and he threw his arms around Dean in a tight hug. “Whoa!”

“Thank you so much! Oh my god, I don’t know what I would’ve done. Will you help me?”, the man asked as he pulled away.

Dean stared into his eyes which were pleading. He smiled before answering him, “On one condition.”

“What’s that?”, the man asked.

“You tell me your name and give me your number.”

The man’s face flushed red as he looked down at the ground. “It’s Castiel, Castiel Novak”, he said softly.

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