Winter Wonderland

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A/N- MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I adore all of you so much you have no idea. Hope you have a lovely Christmas day!


Dr. Castiel Novak- Dean remembers the first day he had ever laid eyes on the most handsome doctor he had come across in the hospital he worked at. Dean was a nurse, a very friendly one at that and when he'd been on his rounds that fateful day, he'd heard the most exquisite voice coming from Mrs. Niedermeijer'sroom. Low, soft, slightly rough, like a Reese's piece- Dean had been drawn and opened the door a crack to see who the voice belonged to but the doctor had had his back to him. Impatient, he'd walked in as though he was on his rounds and was supposed to be there.

"Morning Mrs. N!" He'd walked in all cheer and smiles, trying to ignore the doctor for as long as he could even though his stomach was churning so hard it was becoming difficult to stand up straight.

"Hello, dear. Have you met my new doctor?" she asked. Dean acted as though he hadn't seen anyone else in the room and looked around, making his eyes land on the stunning specimen he had come to see in the first place.

"Oh! Hi, didn't see you there. I'm Dean Winchester, I work as a nurse here," Dean moved to greet Dr. Novak with all the grace of a nervous house cat and slightly bumped into the end of the bed in his eagerness to shake the doctor's hand.

"Dr. Novak, pleased to meet you," he had replied. Their hands connecting had nearly electrocuted Dean or infused drugs into his bloodstream through touch. He will probably never admit it, but he was pretty doe-eyed after that first encounter. He kept hitting into furniture, people, lost his train of thought more often than not- he was a lovesick puppy and the only way to get that under control would be to ask Dr. Castiel Novak out on a date.

It had taken him several weeks and a lot of deliberate run-ins for him to get Cas's (the nickname came along when he was sure Castiel was comfortable in his presence) attention but when they got talking, things progressed pretty fast. Pretty soon they were dating and trying to keep their hands off each other while on hospital premises. Dean was in heaven and felt invincible, as though nothing could go wrong. Yet, there was something that he could see in Cas's eyes when they were together, something sad. He had no idea what it was and it troubled him.

On a cold December morning, he had just entered the locker room to put away his coat and bag when he heard two voices conversing quietly in the back. Curious, he followed the whispers until he could hear clearly what they were talking about.

"-don't understand what I've done wrong. Am I not enough?" That was Castiel's voice and dread pooled in Dean's stomach. Not enough? You're my world! Dean thought.

"Look, I'm sure you are and him not saying it doesn't mean your relationship with him is frivolous. That kid has loved you for so long I can't remember the last time he didn't look at you with puppy eyes full of love. All the women are in love with your love and half the men gag when they see you two together. Castiel, just wait for him. I'm sure he'll tell you before the dance." Dean recognized the second voice as Dr. Fergus McLeod. He was a neurosurgeon and was one of Cas's good friends from the hospital.

"I don't think Dean even knows about the dance. He's been scoffing at posters and been making fun of anyone buying tickets." Castiel's voice was full of sadness and it pulled painfully at Dean's heart.

"Oh please! He's just a poser. He always goes to the dance because it's on an ice rink and he loves to skate. He's probably already bought his ticket." Dean's neck and ears warmed; it was true, he'd bought his tickets the minute they'd been available and had been waiting for the perfect moment to ask Castiel out. He'd been re-adjusting and adding mistletoe around the entire hospital hoping that he and Castiel would be under one and he could ask him out. That, unfortunately, hadn't worked out so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2015 ⏰

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