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Selatapura, Usea.
December 15th, 2019.


Can you hear me?

The space elevator – the Lighthouse – stretched up into the dark blue sky without an answer. Rosa withdrew her hand from the air, hoping the silent prayer might have made it through the sky, somehow, in some way. She wasn't sure who she was praying to, exactly, but she did know what she was praying for. Simply put, the closest she could think of was 'everlasting peace' though she knew that might have been a naive hope more than anything. But looking at the state of things, they were at least on the right track.

She turned around to find the journalist friend of the LRSSG, a man she only heard called Genette by the others but Albert by the astronaut that had returned the day the war was won, taking photos of the surrounding activity. He'd snapped one of her, and as he looked over something on his camera he caught her eye, giving her a small smile. She returned it with one of her own and a friendly wave, her attention then drawn to everything going on around them. Things that she and apparently Genette himself thought more worthy of photography.

Around the base of the space elevator, refugees from all over Usea had created a settlement for themselves. It started with the victims from Tyler Island, but Rosa's trip to Shilage after the war had shown her that there were more people in need of a safe haven. There were nations that still longed for their freedom and independence, and Erusean forces that were still desperate to make them submit, and the resulting conflicts though easily quelled by the ceasefire agreement left many without their homes. The living quarters that were a part of the space elevator itself could only house so many people, so the surrounding buildings, warehouses, and any structure not damaged during the battles over the Lighthouse were turned into a temporary home for these people.

Little by little, communications around the globe were being restored, and most major countries were doing their part. Osea and Erusea were atoning for their mistakes, while Yuktobania, Emmeria, Estovakia, and countless other nations were offering what aid they were able to. Meanwhile, military and civilians alike did their part to organize and manage the supplies and funds. Rosa was over most of it herself, being the only thing close to a politician that she trusted with this work at the moment, but a few Osean officials and Erusean soldiers offered to lend a hand with anything that proved to be too much for her. Everlasting peace might not be wholly possible, but this was the closest thing to it that they might have.

Rosa looked over her shoulder at where Ionela and Alma were working together to carry boxes as Genette snapped a photo of them laughing, one of them having said something the other found funny. It was bittersweet to see them getting along like that, and she noticed Ionela's smile faded a bit when she noticed Rosa in the distance. Their friendship was still tense, even after Rosa spent a few days with them, trying to do her part to help around the house after what had happened to General Shilage. But although Ionela was no longer as cold, Rosa had a feeling they weren't going to be as close as they used to be. Just like with everything else, they'd just have to keep taking steps in the right direction.

Figuring she'd had enough of a break, Rosa headed over towards the truck they were unloading, having to dodge a group of children playing fetch and chase with a group of dogs. Her own dog, Leo, was among them, but the rest of the dogs were pets of various refugees that they'd managed to bring with them during their evacuation. The children, including Georg's daughters, seemed to be recovering well for the most part but there were still some scars left behind by the war that might not ever go away. They'd been having plenty of good days lately though. So it was nice to see them playing, completely carefree for a change while they left the worrying to the grownups.

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