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It was sunny outside and a cool breeze settled in the air, a sly chill hidden amongst the clamor of chimes and whistles.

It was in the middle of Autumn when a young woman named Jesse sat against a tree with the head of her boyfriend, Jack, resting against her soft pillowy thighs. His eyes lay closed, his blissful expression revealing not a single ounce of stress to those in view.

Jesse smiled softly, playing with Jack's platinum blond hair. The brunette wondered how she managed to bag such a kind and appreciative man despite having such large breasts and the reputation that comes with them.

Her right hand grips that of her lover, their fingers intertwined together as though they were vines twisting about the trunk of a tall tree. Her breasts lay against the side of his head, gently squishy it between her thighs and her large bosom.

Eyeing those around her, Jesse notices their expressions of jealousy, whether it be of that of the men or the women.

"Hey, babe," Jesse whispered.

"Hmm?" Jack asked, his tone quiet, blissful expression fading a not even a little.

"I was wondering..."

"About what?"

Jesse bit her lower lip. "I was wondering what you wanted to do later?"

Jack opened his eyes, and shifted his body into a little bit more comfortable position. Squinting a little, he suggested,  "well, what about some video games?"

Jesse smirked. "Oh, so you wanna watch me kick some ass in CoD, huh?"

"I was thinking more so in Halo, but that sounds fun."

Jesse giggled, earning a light smile from Jack who was content with all that he had.

Their happy mood was all but ruined when they heard one of their most hated individuals, Jack's on-campus bully, Davin, walking toward them. With a mental groan, the two turned to him.

"Hey, Bitch and Bitchette! How are ya doing today?"

The couple didn't have the time or desire to deal with the jock, but forced themselves to interact with him.

"We were doing alright," Jesse said trying to hold her anger back through her gritted teeth.

"So, whatcha doing?" Davin asked, an obnoxious grin etched along his lips as he held his hands in his pocket.

"We were enjoying the nice weather. That is until an ugly storm came upon us."

"Hardy Har Har Har. So, fatass, you have my homework ready for tomorrow? The professor is getting a bit touchy."

Jack stiffened up,  his left fist balling up in anger.

"Don't you have somewhere else to be?" Jesse asked.

"Oh, yeah. Practice is today at 4, if Jack can get himself in good shape, he might even make it to the Varsity Team. I thought your girl would like to know so she can see the real athletes."

"I think it's best you leave."

An undetectable large dark aura surrounded Jesse, her eyes glowing a slight dark amber.

"Alright, alright." Davin raised his hands with his pockets. "I know where I'm not wanted."

Walking away with a smirk, Davin felt a pair of eyes boring into the back of his head. Not worried about retribution from the two, Davin turned around when he reached the halfway point and said, "well, have fun!"

When Davin was gone, Jesse felt her boyfriend relax. Hearing footsteps, she turned to see, Michael and Gabriel, two of the younger boys running toward her at full speed. In one of their hands was a letter, and they was high tailing it toward the couple.

However, one of them slip forward and scorped, his friend tripping over him. With a giggle, Jesse slowly stood up, giving her boyfriend the "time's up" signal. Standing up, Jack turned to his girlfriend and picked her up.

"Dear lord, having such large tits is not a great thing for my back."

"Neither is being a milk witch," Jack said with a chuckle.

"Seconded," Jesse said, popping her back.

The two approached the two boys who were still groaning.

"I believe that letter belongs to me."

Michael nodded.

Taking the letter, Jesse's eyes widened.

"To my dearest daughter, love mom."

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