First Time

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To say that their life was complicated was an understatement. Being a football player, Jack received much unwanted attention from girls, especially in college. However, that changed when Jesse came into the picture as a romantic interest.

Their sophomore year in high school was filled with quite a bit of drama. Jesse was nearly homeschooled due to the other girls making fun of her and her unnaturally large breasts at the time.

You see, she suffered from a strange case of breast hypertrophy and lactation. Though, she did not leak, strangely enough, and her breasts seemed to stop their production past a certain point.

It was so bad at one point that she tried to kill herself several times, but the weight of her chest always stopped her. Her parents kept her from knives and other dangerous objects. It stopped almost completely when Jack turned his attention to her.

The two grew on one another quite fast, rekindling their seemingly ancient friendship. This sent the other girls spiraling into a nasty jealousy.

The more they spent time together, the more they fell for each other. Eventually it culminated in a beautiful night of nervous passion.

Their team had just won the football state championship when Jesse pulled Jack into a hug on the field. Jack felt a strange sensation when he saw the other team glaring at her. He could see the lust in their eyes.

Picking Jesse up and putting her on his back, Jack carried her all the way to her car and was cleared to go home, as long as he brought his equipment back to school, washed and repaired from that night's game.

On the way to Jesse's house, the two couldn't keep their hands of each other, playing touching each other if only lightly in an attempt to get the other to laugh or giggle. When they they arrived, Jesse found her parents' car was gone.

Parking in the garage, she led her boyfriend inside, giggling profusely as she did so. Opening the door to the house from the garage, she pressed a button on the wall and closed the garage door. Leading Jack up to her bedroom, she watched him walk into the bathroom.

A little saddened she couldn't watch, she undressed and readied herself, climbing under her covers. Breathing a sigh of content when her breasts came fell, Jesse turned to her TV. Being as horny as she was at the moment, everything that touched her sensitive spots sent a shiver down her spine. When her bathroom door opened, she saw Jack with a towel around his waist, shivering due to the cold.

Reacting quickly, Jesse motioned for Jack to slip under the covers. Not knowing what else to do, Jack put the towel in the red hamper before climbing into bed. Scooting up to Jesse, Jack quickly sought her body heat, wrapping himself around her.

Surprised at her boyfriend's reaction to her, she paused, her hand reaching toward his hair. She could sense his heartbeat as it grew faster and faster, the closer he got to her.

She could feel her breasts swelling with an unnoticeable gurgling, filling up with milk. Trying to keep her urges at bay, she feels Jack's hair brush up against her stomach. Feeling his slight adjustment, she knew he'd felt it. Playing with his hair, Jesse began to trace his muscles, ones he'd worked so hard for.

"Hey, um...Jack?" Jesse smiled nervously.


"A-Are you hungry?"

Shifting a little, Jack said, "I could go for something to eat, but...if you want to sit here, I'd be okay with that."

" and Dad don't like me cooking after hours."

It was a blatant lie, but one born from a stressful situation.

"Oh...well, then. What do we do?"

Moving her hand under Jack's head, she brought his lips to her left breast. There was little resistance within her, but Jack, Jack was a different story.

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