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William is pressed against me, his face inches from my own. My breath hitches at my throat as I take in my surroundings in utter horror.

I feel like shit. What happened? Where am I?

Last night. The Bridge. William. The vodka. All that vodka.


I freeze. William's morning hard-on is pressing against my thigh. I swallow hard and slowly pull the covers and look down. Thank fucking god William and I are both wearing boxers. I take a deep breath and try to stay calm. William lets out a sigh in his sleep, and a "Uuuh." William is rubbing his erection against me now. My own morning boner is enjoying the attention.


I think I'm gonna throw up.

I turn my head and see the nightstand. Holy shit. On the nightstand are handcuffs, condoms, lube, a pink dildo, an anal plug...what the hell did I do last night? Who knew William was this perverted? Oh my god.

Did we fuck? I don't remember anything. Shit. Ok, ok, just don't panic. My ass feels fine. I'm pretty sure my ass is still a virgin. But between William and me, it'd obviously be him who'd be on their hands and knees. Obviously. I might have fucked him. Did I?

I don't see any handcuff-like bruises on my wrists.

William is still humping me in his sleep.

I need to get out of here.

I slowly inch myself away from William and his cock. William remains asleep, and I edge myself off the bed. I look around the messy bedroom, decorated seventies-style retro, and I stumble on a whip as I quietly try to make my way to the door. The vodka is making its way up my throat, and I practically run out of the bedroom.

I have no idea where I am, and blindly rush through the door opposite the bedroom door. Luckily, it's the bathroom and I throw up in the sink because the toilet is too far away. The sickening smell of my own vomit makes me throw up...twice. My stomach clenches and unclenches as it empties its contents through my mouth. I don't really feel better at all as I clean the sink from the bits of pasta I had for dinner last night.

I don't really have a headache, I just feel sick in general. I let the tap run and drink water straight from it, instantly feeling better though only slightly. I take a firm hold of the sink and force myself not to fall down. I flip the toilet seat down and sit on it to clear my head.

Ok. Last night. Think.

The last thing I can remember is William telling me I'm pretty. God, this doesn't look good. I don't want William! I despise him! Surely I was too drunk to come to William's place and have kinky sex with him. Surely.

To my horror, I see bruises on my body, on my chest, on my arms...William must like it rough. God, I don't want to know how William likes it! I don't want to know any of this!

Will William tell everyone we slept together? What if Ryan finds out?

In the bathroom I find more of William's disturbing belongings. Lipstick, perfume and a hair curler; I knew his hair wasn't naturally wavy like that, I goddamn knew it! I bet he dresses up in drag. I bet...that we did things I am glad I don't remember.

I have to get out of here before William wakes up. I need to get out of here now.

I move like a drunken ghost back into William's bedroom – I am still drunk to some extent. There are clothes scattered on the floor, and the whole room is chaotic. William is asleep on the bed, his hair all around him.

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