Soccer tournament

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Logan's pov:

After the long days of camping. I feel like I've gotten to know the others really well. Jacob and Ashton parent's are great friends that compete to beat the other. Thus getting to be close. The twins are actually close servants to Ashton. Yeeesh that guy.

Apparently Oliver had taken over becoming the head of his family business. As for Mark and I. We have gotten no time alone together without interruptions. Curse you people ;^; I wanted to finally make love with him. My hormones are seriously running wild. Gaaaaaahhh I need stuff really really badly.

Now that we're back from the trip. He has a couple of tournaments to play. My life with him will be an interesting one.
At a tournament.


Everyone was cheering for Mark. I focus on the game and cheer sometimes. I mostly focus on Mark. Him and his sexy body all sweaty....

I shake my head, my face heats up. Snap out of your dirty thoughts. The games at 23-24. The time is ticking away we need two more points. Mark's team huddles together making a plan.

"Break!" And they separate from their huddle.

They go to their places and get ready to play.

Marks team scores the first goal and the crowd goes wild. Tied and match point. Neither team is willing to give up.

"Gooooo you sex beast run them over!" I yell and everyone looks at me with wide eyes.

"Well the Logan no need to announce that you're horny to the whole stadium." Ashton jokes. Earning a smack to the head from Jacob. "Ow calm down man I was kidding."

Mark runs jumping, dodging and doing crazy tricks avoiding interceptors. Then the captain of the other team manages the steal the ball only for the ball to be kicked into their goal by accident.

"Oh my gosh!!! The other team captain is hot." Jaz drools.

"Who's side are you on girl." The twins say.

"I go with those that are hot. Oooh I know Logi since you're going to see Mark take me with you to see the hot man bodies." Jaz asks.

"What we want to go too!" The twins volunteered.

"Sorry I'm only allowed to go alone."

"Damn it boy you're hogging all the men!" The three of them yell.

I laugh and run off to the locker room.

"Damn, you got even better than back then." I stop walking and spot Mark and the other team captain and I hide behind a plant. Funny right.

"Yeah well unfortunately I'm going to resign after the finals." Mark says.

"Really man that's sad. Why?"

"I've gotten someone to take care of and I finally get to do family business."

"Hmm. We should have a 1v1 soccer game before that." They start walking toward me. Oh crap oh crap dey is gunna find meh shet.

"Huh? Who's that." The other captain pointed to me. Well I am screwed.

"Logan?" Mark asked surprised.

"Uhhh hi hehehehe." I laugh nervously.

"Soon this is your assistant?" The guy asks.

"Yeah he is." Mark replied.

"So anyway ever found that guy you would always think about." He asks.

Wow he's totally ignoring me. How dare he. I'm fudging sexy with whip cream and a cherry.

"I have."

"Really, Is he here?"

Mark nods.

"Nice. Glad to see you've worked it out."

Worked it out? Who is this guy I don't remember him.

"Let's go to the others Logan." Mark turns to me.

"R-Right." I stutter.

"Humph your assistant seems dumb."

"I am not dumb you jerk." I lash out like a cat. And what's with him talking about me now.

"Whoa Logan chill. And John don't be mean he's not dumb he's the guy I love." Mark cuts in between us before something happens.

"Oohhh?" He looked unamused. "he honestly doesn't look like your type. More like a poor boy."

Mark growled and it wasn't a nice kind of growl. More like if you say anything else I'll have you dead kind of growl.

"Tch whatever." He walks off.

A couple of minutes after he leaves I literally yell out of rage.

"Who the hell does that guy think he is! I swear that guy's just plain rude." I ball up my fist. "Next time I see that bastard I'll bury his body in a dumpster in the forest."

"He's not mean honest Logi. He just doesn't show his real personality. I promise he'll be less colder than earlier." Mark tries to calm me down.

"Yeah that doesn't reassure me." I tell him.

We head to where the others are.

Well things just keep getting interesting and interesting.

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