Our beginning

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So guys this is my first story (*^*). I hope you guys enjoy.


It was really pouring down on my way home from school.

Crap I'll catch a cold. I ran speeding and hopefully I could take a nice warm shower and sleep.

But my nose said otherwise and it started running. I felt my nose tingle.

"Achoo, oh man am I gunna have a stuffy nose in the morning."

The next morning


"You know you should've stayed home if you got a cold." One of my best friends Jasmine Knight said to me.

"I know but I can't miss out on school work." I say.

I'll give you a hint I despise homework with a burning passion. There's actually a whole load of other things that I dislike with a passion but that'll take forever to list. I'm an actually a semi-normal human being.

"We should hurry the first bell is going to ring soon." said Jasmine.

Checking the time "Oh shoot we should." we started running to class and almost missed the first bell. Class was boring as always.

I look around the classroom and he catches my eye. One of the popular sexy and skinny soccer guys. He always has this devilish grin which sometimes makes me blush, his sexy short hair style, and his captivating body. I stare for a while and then turn away. Oh and by the way I'm gay.

You said I love you. This time I'll make you say it again. (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now