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3rd person POV

Sakusa impatiently clicked his pen. ' 11:54 ' He read in his head. Atsumu-Chan was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago, where is he?

" Sorry 'm late! Traffic was terrible! " Atsumu slammed open the door, huffing like crazy. Sakusa shot his head over at the blonde, immediately getting hit with a addictive smell. The omega smelt of fresh maple syrup, an unusual smell, but that doesn't mean it isn't wonderful. Atsumu sat infront of the ticked off alpha. He set his purse down and uncomfortably shifted in his seat, Sakusa's eyes burning holes in the blonde.

" Sakusa Kiyoomi. " He outstretched his hand, Atsumu gladly taking it giving him a firm handshake.

" Miya Atsumu but please call me Atsumu, it gets confusin with ma twin. " He smiled, gently setting his hands back in his lap. Sakusa slid over some papers and a pen.

" Here are some contracts you need to sign before we begin. " Atsumu's face dropped into a pout as he took the pen in hand, signing a shit load of papers.

" There ya go, lets start discussin business ya? " The blonde smirked, pushing the papers away from him. Sakusa took a moment to get a better look at the omega. His dyed blonde hair draped over his forehead, slightly covering his eyes. Freckles painted his cheeks and nose, some more visible then others. Two sharp black wings on his eyelids, presumably eyeliner and a plump red lips. Bracelets covered his arms and multiple necklaces laid on his neck. Large hooped earnings dangled from his ears.

" Omi, like whatcha see? "Atsumu purred, leaning in closer.

" I- Omi? " He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows.

" Its ya nick name! N e ways~ " He leaned back.

" Ive got some ideas for some songs. "


Its been a few hours and the two decided to call it a day. They exchanged numbers and headed home. Atsumu had just gotten out of the shower and was putting on his strawberry patterned silk pajama set before beginning on his skin care. He hummed along to one of his newest songs as he sat down, opening up his skin care drawer. Some despise Atsumu since hes one of the only Omegas to have confidence to join the music industry but he honestly didnt give two fucks. Hes come so far along, he wont let anything stop him now. Just as he was finishing up, his phone buzzed. He reached over, checking who it was from.


Omi : Hey Atsumu, does tomorrow at 11am work? Ive got some ideas to check with you.

Atsumu: Yup! Same place?

Omi: Mhm, see you then.

Atsumu: Cya omi omi!!!


Atsumu giggled, kicking his feet around like a little girl. He specifically chose Sakusa, or as everyone knows, Raven because not only was he extremely talented, he was literally the most stunning man Atsumu has ever seen. He was hoping to try and get the Alpha to court him, but he wasn't exactly sure how. Maybe flirting? Yea that might work. Atsumu was already pretty flirty and of course charming so he had this in the bag.


" Omi~ 'M bored! " Atsumu whined, throwing himself onto the Alpha. Sakusa grimaced, pushing the blonde off of him.

" Okay...Lets take a break then. " He set down his laptop and his notebook on his side table. Atsumu looked at him with a pout, he tilted his head, unsure of what the omega wanted.

" What Atsumu. " He deadpanned. Atsumu looked at Sakusa's lap, then back at his eyes.

" You- No. " That caused the omega to whine more. Sakusa massaged his temples for a bit, before giving in.

" Fine, but only this once. " Atsumu perked up, immediately crawling into his lap. He was in spandex and a large graphic tee. Sakusa gulped, holding everything in him to not caress his scrumptious thighs. Atsumu got comfortable, digging his head into the crook of Sakusa's neck. He took in the strong smell of coffee beans. Gentle purrs came from the omega. Sakusa's breath hitched, realizing all it took was his scent to make him purr. The alpha in him bursted with pride, but he kept his composure, rubbing small circles on his back.

" Omi yer scent is so yummy. " He slurred, feeling drunk off the smell of the alpha's pheromones.

" Mh, thank you Atsumu. " He mumbled, resting his head into the blondes neck. At this point the two were cuddled up on one another, getting drunk on eachothers smell. The room stunk of maple syrup and freshly brewed coffee. Surprisingly, the two went perfect together. Atsumu slowly fell asleep, soft snores escaping his lips. Sakusa noticed this and decided to lay him down on the couch. He grabbed a nearby blanket and rested it on the blonde before shutting the light off.


I surprisingly got in another chapter today!! Let me know how yall are likin the story so far!!


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