All Things End

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Present Time.

FBI Interrogation Room.

2:30 AM

     My head was down as I heard the metal chair across from me slide back and the sound of heavy papers hit the metal tables. I was tired after all the sitting and waiting I have done so far I was ready to get out of here. But that time would come... slowly but surely.

"Ms. Cray, do you know who I am?" Came a voice from above me. I leaned back in my chair to take a good look at the nearly bald man with salt and peppered hair and wrinkles.

"I don't know sir should I?" I say smirking and flipping my hair over my shoulder while lightly tapping my fingers against the metal table.

"Do you know why you're here Ms. Cray?" he says frowning at me

"I can think of a number of things but I don't know which "crime" you're attempting to peg on me" I say chuckling and turning to the blacked out window knowing that others were listening I smiled and looked back to the detective sitting in front of me.

"I assure you Ms. Cray that this is not a laughing matter". He says his frown deepening

"Oh but I asure you..." I pause to read his badge, 'Officer Walters that this will very soon be funny."


 I had just finished my shift and closed up the cafe my brother had called me earlier to tell me that he wouldn't be coming to get me since they had found another crime scene that needed to be inspected. In the past month we thought the crimes would go down but instead they have only gotten worse and I don't know what's worse living in a town where you could possibly be next or living in a town with the law enforcement as your family. My father would have a fit if he found out I was walking home especially when my brother specifically told me to call him to have him pick me up but it was completely unnecessary. As I walked with my thoughts  I had begun to take observations of my surroundings and in my peripheral vision I noticed a familiar black SUV creeping up the street behind me as I tried to look like I hadn't noticed.

  I took out my phone pretending to answer a call I nodded once.. Twice... three times "hung up" my fake phone call and began to speed up my pace to my walk home but glancing back I had noticed the SUV disappeared. But it didn't pass me and it couldn't have turned around because unless you were walking this road was a dead end. But I didn't dare turn around I instead kept my same steady pace and then once more I saw the headlights of the truck behind me.  Remain calm, don't let them know you've seen them I slide my head phones into my ears  without turning on any music I take this as my chance to survey the area and slide my pocket knife out of my purse.

"What exactly do you plan to do with that Masha?" came a deep thick voice from behind me.  Caught off guard I jump in fright turning around quickly flipping the blade open.

"Who are you?" I ask my voice small but thick. It's him, the guy from the coffee shop from the night before but now he seems taller and a lot more frightening but I'm not a bit scared of him.

"Let's not worry about that Masha" he says stepping closer into my space pressing the blade down from himself. "Can you answer a question for me?"

"My name isn't Masha,"

He slightly chuckles at me his Russian accent thick and deep and flashes me a bright smile "Masha means rebel my love."

"What do you want?" I say deciding to show my irritation.

            His smile quickly disappears and turns into a frown almost as if he's challenging me to speak out of turn once more.

            "Where is your boss?" he says so hard and bitter  I can almost taste it

            "I don't know he hasn't been to the shop in almost two weeks." Lie, I swallow the lump in my throat as it suddenly became dry.  

His closeness and presence had cause me to go weak at the knees in no way was I afraid of this man instead I was completely compelled by him trapped in his piercing blue eyes that had engulfed me and lit my insides on fire. Knowing his new effect on me he smirked slightly and brushed the back of his hand up against my cheek.

"Come on now Masha tell the truth I know you know where he is" as sweet as the gesture may seem to some, I knew that this wasn't a sweet thing.

            "Like I said I don't know where he is" I said firmly and turned away from the beautiful stranger.

            "Fine, but I'll be seeing you again real soon" he said to my retreating form

            Not if I could help it, as I hurriedly walked my way home I had replayed the incident in my mind he could have harmed me or worse for lying to him but he didn't could it be that this person of brutal force may have showed me mercy, a person that holds no value or meaning to his existence. As I unlocked the door to my home and walked inside with only my isolated thoughts. I had come to a conclusion, No he did not grant me mercy, for like he said this would not be the last time that he would see me. 

Next time i saw him i would be ready. 

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