A Walk In The Park (Chapter 2)

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Chuuya's POV

I quickly ran away to my bedroom, pouring my tears out with snot all over my face. I knew I looked ugly, but I didn't care. I couldn't hold it in anymore. I was still holding Cael tightly in my arms scared of what Dazai might do to him. Kouyou then soon caught up with me and Cael, and entered my room closing the door behind her. Once the door closed I started to cry even harder and louder than I already was. "K-kouyou... d-d-did I d-do s-something w-wrong?" I asked trying to get my words out through all the intense panting and crying. "No Chuuya, you didn't. Dazai... he..." She went silent not knowing what to say. I cried and I cried not knowing what else to do as Cael and Kouyou comforted me in silent. Before I knew it my eyes started to feel heavy and eyes closed shut as I enter my slumber. That night I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning still feeling as tired and shitty like I did last night. After laying on my bed for a few minutes I decided to finally open my eyes. 'Everything's blurry...It's most likely from all the crying from yesterday. ' I thought to myself as I felt a tear running down my cheek. "Not again..." I whispered to myself with my throat all sore from the crying too. I then felt Cael next to me still sleeping soundly. "At least you're still with me Cael." I said slowly getting up doing my best not to awaken him. Once I got out of bed I went to the bathroom, and got the bath ready. After the bath was ready I started undressing myself and looked at my mirror in front of me. "I look like a fucking mess." I said out loud.

I then quickly got into the bath, and once I got in I immediately started feeling better. I relaxed there for about 45 minutes thinking about what I should do. '...I need to break up with him... The longer this relationship continues the longer we'll be stuck moving back in forth... I love him...I really do, but this can't continue no matter what. Knowing Dazai he won't let go, so I'm gonna have to be the one to end it.' I decided making my final decision on the matter. I'll go see him after 2 days.' I told myself knowing full well that if I see him now I won't be able to keep my composure. I quickly washed myself clean and got out of the bath. "Hmmm, what should I wear today? Well it's my day off since Kouyou told Dazai to let me take a few days off. Let's go with this sweater and this short." After I got dressed I looked at myself in the mirror and if I do say so myself I looked pretty damn good. Then I went to wake up Cael, so we could go get him some supplies for his new home. On my way out I happen to see Kouyou, so told her that I was going out today with Cael and made my way out.

After I found my car and got Cael settled in the back seat, I drove to a pet store that I found online with a pretty good review. Once I got there and parked my car I picked Cael up from the back seat into my arms, since I didn't have a leash yet. I then grabbed a shopping cart placing Cael on the seat, and went in to do some shopping. It took some time but we were finally done picking things out, and now we were waiting to get it checked out. It didn't take long and the cashier was done scanning our items. "Will that be all sir?" "Yes that's it." "Umm, sorry but you look really cute, could I have your number?" I looked at the man and he was okay looking, but I didn't want to be involved in a relationship right now. "Sorry, but I not looking for a relationship right now." "It's okay, your total will be $108.95." I swiped my card and payed for my things. "Have a nice day." The cashier said as I picked up my stuff and left.

Once I got to my car I set all the stuff I bought in trunk, then I placed Cael back at his spot. I soon also got in my seat as well. 'Let's go to a park to get some fresh air and a walk with Cael.' Telling myself about my plans. After 10 minutes passed we finally arrived at our destination. I got out of the car, and went a grab a leash for Cael in the trunk. "Cael, I'm going to have to put this on you so you won't get lost okay?" "Woof, woof!" "Well someone's excited to have their first walk I see." I smiled at the sight of seeing Cael being over joyed. I quickly put his leash on him, and got him out of the car. As soon as I set him down he was already jumping everywhere, so I closed the door and let him lead the way. 4 minutes into our walk a random guy came up to me. "Hi, you look cute, wanna meet up sometime?" "No thanks I'm not looking for a relationship." I replied to the man. "Okay, but if you wanna call me this is my number." He said writing his number on a piece of paper then handing it to me. 'Why is so many people approaching me today." I wondered, then all of a sudden I felt uneasy for some reason. 'It feels like someone is watching me...'

Dazai's POV

After finishing up some business I had to attend to I decided to go take a little break at a park nearby. 'This park is lovely. I should bring Chuuya here sometime for a date or something.' I thought to myself continuing my nice walk. 'Oh, that person has the same hair color as Chuuya. Wait a minute, that is Chuuya. And who is that random person talking to him? Is he cheating on me?' I felt my blood boil as many questions raced through my head. "My Chuuya with someone else? No that can't happen. It won't. He is mine and mine alone." I said continuing to menacingly glare at him.

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