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As things started getting intense, Jungkook knew he had to pull back. It was nice to unwind with a bar hookup to relieve stress, but he couldn't ignore the potential trouble this girl might cause once she found out who he really was.

Being the CEO of 'JJK Enterprise' overseeing a vast hotel business across Korea and beyond, was challenging. Jungkook was currently focused on a new project aimed at innovating his hotel chains with a unique twist. The pressure was mounting, and he couldn't afford any distractions or complications at this critical point.

Jungkook sighed, running a hand through his hair with furrowed eyebrows, as he navigated through the crowd of sweaty bodies toward the bar's exit. He tuned out the girl's voice whom he had just kissed, realizing he had lost interest in her during the kiss itself. He wasn't feeling the right vibe from her.

Despite the allure of potential partners on the dance floor eager to join Jungkook in bed, he understood that everyone faced their own challenges and stressors in life. Just like him, others sought solace in moments of pleasure to ease their burdens and find temporary relief.

Spotting his car, Jungkook noticed his driver waiting, who promptly opened the door as he approached. Climbing inside, he felt the tension and suffocation of the confined space. Needing to refresh himself, he simply uttered, "Beach." The driver nodded in understanding and set off towards the nearest beach.

When Jungkook stepped onto the beach, he felt the chilly air wrap around him, tousling his hair gently. Taking a deep breath of the warm breeze, he started to relax as the tension melted away. It was midnight, and the beach was quiet with only a few people around in the dim light. This calm atmosphere helped Jungkook unwind, providing a peaceful escape from his busy life.

Jungkook walked to the end of the beach, just a few meters from the water where small waves gently lapped at the shore. Sitting down cross-legged, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a pack of banana milk. Tearing open the straw and opening the pack, he took a refreshing sip, enjoying the calm evening by the sea.

Closing his eyes, Jungkook allowed himself to be enveloped by the soothing sounds of nature. The rhythmic waves whispered a lullaby, and the gentle breeze caressed his cheeks like a tender touch from his mother. It transported him back to moments when he would lean against her, finding solace in her presence. Her gentle hands running through his hair were a comforting ritual that melted away his worries and brought him a sense of peace that he now sought in the serene embrace of the beach at night.

As Jungkook focused on unwinding, he remained oblivious to the shadow lurking behind him, its dark eyes filled with vengeful intent fixed upon him.



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