•love and ink monsters• Overblot!Riddle

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Riddle saw how Trey made sure you weren't hurt when you protected him from a rose bush headed in his direction. He also saw how you interacted with Cater, and how he flirted with you. He also saw how you held Dueces and Ace's hands and gave them words of affirmation.

It made him feel rage.

Drip drip

Drip Drip

You saw the ink fall in front of your eyes that day, not knowing what it meant. Well, now you knew as you watched Riddle overblot and fall down a path you wish he didn't, a path of rage, regret, and vengeance.

"Darling, why are you scared?" The not so Riddle said. You look up at him, clutching Grim.
"Look at what you've done." You coldly say, glaring at the not so Riddle. Riddle looks around at the destruction around him.
"Hehe, don't you get it? I did it for you. Those useless people deserved it after they had touched you." Riddle said, smiling remembering the massacre.
"Those people were my friends. They were yours as well." You hissed, inching away and holding Grim from the not so Riddle. He only smiled, gazing lovingly at you,
"Darling.. you have some blood on you," Riddle said, coming closer to you and trying to wipe some blood from your cheek. Trying. You hit his hand away, not wanting Riddle to touch you.
"Don't worry, Darling, you'll warm up soon when you realise I'm the only thing you'll ever Need!" The not so Riddle says, clutching your hands and looking at you, crazed.

Authors Note:
Help 😭😭 I have no idea how to write yanderes.
But request is from SmollSheepKun

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