Chapter 5 - Unleashing the Flames

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The chimney belched thick, acrid smoke into the night. The windows glowed an ominous red, pierced intermittently by the dark silhouette of the fiend pacing restlessly inside. Blood-curdling screams seeped through the walls, chilling Lucy to her core. Her eyes darted around the moonlit landscape, desperate for a solution. As if answering her silent plea, she spotted a small, dilapidated timber hut beside the cottage.

Trepidation and determination warred within her as she sidestepped the crimson-lit windows, her heart pounding in her chest. With each step, she willed herself to be as silent as the shadows that clung to her like a cloak. Reaching the hut, she noticed the door was only secured by a rusty bolt, its metal flaking with age. She cautiously slid the bolt free, and the door creaked open with a sound that seemed to hang in the heavy air.

Inside, the hut was sparsely furnished, illuminated by slivers of moonlight that snuck in through the gaps in the wooden walls. The scent of damp earth and decaying wood filled her nostrils as she stepped onto a floor scattered with hay, the golden strands whispering softly beneath her feet. She knew she had to act quickly, with the desperate cries from the cottage growing more urgent by the minute.

In the dim light of the hut, Lucy's gaze landed on the silhouette of a drum, hidden in a shadowy corner. The passage of time had left its mark on the drum in the form of a thick layer of dust and a tightly rusted lid. Her heart raced as she realized this might be the key to her desperate plan. Lucy's eyes scanned the space for something that could help her pry open the drum. A rickety, cobweb-covered shelf filled with old tools caught her attention. Rifling through the rusty and worn items, she finally found a battered screwdriver. Her fingers trembled as she wedged the screwdriver under the stubborn lid and applied all her strength, revealing her determination and resourcefulness. The screwdriver suddenly slipped, cutting into her hand and staining the handle with her blood. She stifled a cry, fearing the creature might hear her.

Unfazed by the pain, she tried again, but the screwdriver popped out once more, clattering to the floor. Her heart skipped a beat as she glanced nervously at the door, half-expecting the monster to be looming over her. Instead, she found only the reassuring sight of the moonlit doorway. Taking a deep breath, Lucy picked up the screwdriver again, and with a resolute thrust, she managed to pry the lid off, sending it tumbling to the ground. Her hands shook, but she refused to let fear paralyze her. Cautiously, she leaned in to identify the liquid inside the drum. The pungent scent of petrol stung her nostrils, confirming her suspicion.

With adrenaline fuelling her movements, she hoisted the heavy drum, ignoring the petrol that soaked her clothes. Her muscles strained under the weight, and she quickly realized she couldn't carry it far. Determined, she began to drag it through the underbrush, leaving a scarred trail in her wake. Exhaustion threatened to overcome her, but Lucy found the strength to lift the drum one last time. With grit and resolve, she doused the cottage walls in petrol, preparing for the final confrontation.

The cottage walls groaned as if alive, echoing deep, guttural howls. At a window, the silhouette of the beast appeared, its back arched in a sinister curve, its mouth gaping in a distorted snarl. Its howl reverberated through the night air, a haunting sound that sent shivers down Lucy's spine.

Lucy pressed her back against the cold, rough stone beneath the window ledge, her heart pounding in her chest. Every now and then, she cautiously peeked through the window to witness the chaos unfolding inside. The beast's howls were punctuated by soft, intermittent moans of pain that tugged at her heartstrings.

Determined to act, Lucy gathered a pile of dead leaves and attempted to start a fire using the primitive method she'd learned as a child. Her hands trembled as she rubbed two twigs together with increasing urgency. The friction caused her hands to blister, but she persisted until, finally, a tiny spark ignited. A single leaf smouldered, and black smoke curled around her fingers. Encouraged, Lucy added more leaves, and soon the fire grew, its flickering light reflecting in her resolute eyes.

As the flames grew stronger, Lucy crawled across the damp earth towards the front door, her clothes torn and muddy. She pressed her ear against the door, straining to hear a lull in the beast's cacophony. But the howls continued relentlessly, and she knew that she had to act now, or never.

Lucy's heart raced as she realized she was out of time. Determination fuelled her actions as she burst through the door, the fear in her eyes momentarily overshadowed by her resolve. Michael lay on the floor across the room, but the beast had seen her. It snarled, its sharp blue eyes piercing into her very soul. A long, deep howl shook the air, resonating within Lucy's chest.

Clutching a bone in her hand like a makeshift weapon, Lucy surged forward, her eyes focused on her target. In that instant, the monstrous visage of the beast wavered. For a fleeting moment, it was no longer a monster but an ordinary man, clothed in white. As quickly as the image appeared, it vanished, and the creature returned. Lucy shook her head, refusing to be swayed. It snarled and drooled, its intent clear.

With a battle cry, Lucy lunged forward and struck a blow across the creature's temple. It staggered and dropped to the floor, its eyes closed, and its toes twitched spasmodically.

Desperation drove Lucy as she grabbed Michael's feet and dragged him towards safety. Each inch seemed like a mile as they neared the front door. The creature groaned, stirring from its stupor. Lucy's breath hitched, but she refused to waver.

An intense growl interrupted Lucy's focus. She glanced back, her eyes locking with the monster's. It charged, ploughing through the table and chairs, reducing them to splinters. With a final heave, Lucy dragged Michael out the front door, slamming it shut behind her. The beast collided with the solid oak, the impact reverberating through the door.

Another howl, longer and deeper, rattled the stone walls. The fire blazed around the house, engulfing it in flames. Michael stirred, regaining consciousness. He moaned, his body weak from the ordeal. Lucy pulled him to his feet, supporting him as he mustered the last of his strength. The front door was aflame, the beast's howls and screeches echoing from within before falling silent. Michael stood on his own, and they were safe.

Lucy turned her gaze to the burning house, the flames reaching for the night sky like desperate hands. Her face, illuminated by the fire's glow, was a mix of relief and sorrow.

The fire roared through the rafters, its ravenous hunger consuming everything in its path. Timbers sparked and small flames danced like will-o'-the-wisps across the twilight sky, singing a haunting tune of devastation and rebirth. The ancient oaks groaned under the weight of their own charred remains, their once-mighty frames succumbing to the inferno's embrace. As the fire's intensity grew, the beams could bear no more, and the cottage crumbled into a smouldering heap. The smoking embers cast a sombre glow upon the moonlit scene, marking the end of a harrowing ordeal.

Pain coursed through Michael's body; his bones ached, his skin burned, and blood seeped from his wounds. He stood transfixed by the flames, the heat lapping at his face as if seeking to claim him as well. Beneath his feet, a scorched plaque crackled in the fire's grasp. The flames had devoured the fresh wood, leaving only blackened remnants behind. Michael squinted at the fading inscription: 'Dr Simpson.' The name vanished before his eyes, lost to the fire's unyielding hunger. He glanced at Lucy, her face illuminated by the blaze, her eyes filled with a mixture of triumph and sorrow.

Together, they watched the fire consume the last remnants of the old cottage. Time seemed to stand still as they stood motionless, haunted by the memories of their harrowing encounter. Eventually, the final embers flickered and died, leaving them in the chilling embrace of darkness. Lucy and Michael exchanged a knowing look before she turned her back on the smouldering ruins, her heart heavy with the weight of what had transpired.

As dawn's first light touched the scorched earth, the last of the timbers crumbled to ash, and a dry wind swept the remains across the barren ground. Among the ruins, a single blackened bone protruded, its origins blurred between the realm of monsters and humanity. The sun's rays cast a warm glow over the desolate scene, hinting at the promise of a new beginning.

But as the sun ascended, a distant, rumbling howl echoed through the air.

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