- thirty seven -

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wooyoung didn't answer right away. instead, he quickly hugged onto san, the familiar feeling filling him with safety and joy. this was his person, san was finally his.

"yes... of course."

"good... i'm glad," san muttered with a smile.

"oh! you know what this means?" wooyoung smiled, staring up at san.

"what does it mean?"

"it means i can finally do this," wooyoung whispered, then pressing his lips to san's gently.

san felt like a child in a candy store the second he felt wooyoung's lips against his own. he had waited so long for this moment, it almost didn't feel real. as soon as the two pulled apart, san pressed a kiss to wooyoung's forehead and smiled.

"let's go to yours, yeah?"

wooyoung nodded, smiling brightly and lacing the two's fingers together. they made their way to san's car and rode in a comfortable silence, their hands still clasped together and san gently rubbing his thumb across the back of wooyoung's hand. for the first time in what felt like forever, wooyoung was truly happy. he didn't feel an ounce of panic or uncertainty, in fact, he felt more free than he had in years. all because san was by his side.

when the two arrived back to wooyoung's, the younger quickly made his way to the kitchen to get water to put his flowers in. since getting flowers was beginning to become a regular occurrence for the three roommates, yeosang had showed wooyoung what to do when he put his flowers in water so that they would live longer.

"you're getting good at that, huh?" san asked softly, wrapping his arms gently around wooyoung's waist.

"mm, not as good as sangie though. he's the best at it."

"well, didn't he teach you?"

"mhmm," wooyoung nodded.

san nodded in response, gently kissing wooyoung's shoulder before smiling small.

"you look pretty next to the flowers," he whispered.


"i mean it! granted i always find you pretty, but still."

wooyoung giggled slightly, smiling, then he brought his flowers to the dining room table and placed them in the center.

"i still haven't been spending much time in my room, so i'm going to leave these out here."

"mmm, as long as they're somewhere for you to see them," san nodded.

"can we see if sangie or hwa are home? i-i feel like telling them what happened at the pottery place."

"of course, love."

wooyoung gently grabbed onto san's hand, leading him to yeosang's door. he knocked and stood back a bit, soon hearing a soft "come in" from inside. wooyoung then opened the door, waving to yeosang, who sat at his desk.

"hey, how was your date?"

"good, mostly," wooyoung started.


"well... sannie and i are official now, and i had fun painting and all. b-but... i started panicking a bit at one point, a-and nothing triggered it like usual."

yeosang closed his laptop at this, frowning softly and giving wooyoung a worried expression.

"that's never happened before..."

"right," wooyoung whispered.

"are you okay?"

wooyoung nodded.

"san helped... i-it was just weird."

yeosang nodded slightly, looking at the two boys in front of him.

"we'll keep an eye on this, okay? if it happens more often or anything we're going to have to figure something out."


"do you want to let hwa know or do you want me to let him know?"

"um... is he home?"

"not right now, he's at joongie's."

"we'll see then... i-i just knew i needed to tell one of you."

yeosang nodded and gently took wooyoung's free hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"thank you for telling me, woo. now i have to finish this assignment, okay?"

wooyoung nodded and led san out of the room, then the two chose a movie and let it play. wooyoung fell asleep midway through, san chuckling softly when he noticed.

he found wooyoung's position endearing, the way he clung to san's shirt and leaned into him heartwarming. san shut off the tv and carefully leaned back, allowing wooyoung to lay down and hopefully rest a bit better.

"my wooyoung... god, you're so pretty..." san whispered, smiling small as he brushed through wooyoung's hair.

"i'm so lucky to finally call you mine..."

alrighty!! going on vacation soon so here's my last update until i return <333 pls enjoy!

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