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it was the last day of finals, and graduation was in two days. despite the constant reassurance from san that nothing would change after hongjoong and seonghwa graduated, wooyoung was still having a hard time grasping onto this. his fear that he would be separated from two of his closest friends was overwhelming.

san and wooyoung each had one last final that day, and then they would be going out for dinner with all of their friends before having a sleepover. when san arrived at the younger's apartment, yeosang opened the door for him, smiling small and saying a quick hello before heading back into the kitchen. the boy quickly slipped off his shoes and headed inside, knocking lightly on wooyoung's door.

"mm... come in," wooyoung said lazily, hugging his pillow to his chest.

"hi baby... ready for our last finals?"


"have you had breakfast yet? or do you need to grab something before we go?"

"grab something..." wooyoung muttered, playing with his fingers a bit.

san nodded, sitting on the edge of the boy's bed for a moment.

"baby... is something up?"

"just don't want hwa to graduate yet..."

"oh love... i promise nothing's going to change, it'll be okay."

"i know you think so, but it's hard for me to feel that way..." wooyoung whispered. "i just... it's hard."

"have you talked with hwa about this?"

wooyoung shook his head, sighing a bit.

"you should, angel..."

"i'll try talking to him later... not right now."

"okay... ready to go then? you should grab something to eat," san cooed softly.

wooyoung agreed with a nod, getting up and giving san a hug before the two went to the kitchen. the younger quickly got something together to eat on their way to campus, then said a quick goodbye and good luck to yeosang, who was sat at the table doing some last minute studying for his own final. after this, the boys were on their way.

they got to campus and stood off to the side for a moment, both a little nervous for their last finals.

"you've got this, okay? and as soon as we're both done, we'll go to our cafe, grab a snack, and then head back to yours. it'll be great," san reassured.

"okay... you're going to be great too, sannie... go blow them all away, just like you always blow me away."

"i promise... this is going to be my best final yet. you know why?"


"the song i'm doing... well, i wrote it for you. i'll show you someday, i promise."


"now go, i don't want you to be late, angel. we'll talk more later," san whispered, pressing a kiss to the boy's forehead.

"okay... i love you."

"and i love you. i'll see you soon, woo."

"see you~"

then the boys were off to their finals, filled with joy from their love.


after finals had finished, wooyoung and san had gone to their cafe and then back to wooyoung's as planned. they ended up taking a nap too, which was clearly well overdue for both of them.

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