Chapter One

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( Song entre : Close To The Sun by TheFatRat & Anjulie )

Another restless night for yui komori, she roamed around at the Sakamaki mansion because she couldn't sleep.
Something inside her was telling her to do something, it was like she had to go and find it, her mind was restless, thoughts and feelings went wild inside her.

She wasn't paying attention at the moment because she was so lost in her head, thinking about her father and what he is doing now.

"Does father even know why I'm here"? She asked herself, like anyone was gonna respond too that.
She kept walking down a deep dark hallway, *clink* *shatters* , yui suddenly hears a loud noise break ahead of her, which startled her in the process "eek" she covered her face from the sudden noise.

But nothing else happened after that, she thought it was strange whatever it was that startled her, she even thought one of the brothers was awake , but she noticed that no one was around her. Curious she was she decided to go find where the noise was located.

She walked a good few minutes and suddenly she sees an item that may of been the loud noise that scared her, some chains and a large lock was on the ground broken into pieces and a door half way open. "hello", " anyone there"? She asks, hearing her own echoing voice down the dark hallways, goosebumps went down her body, feeling cold as a small gust of wind came out of the unknown room she's never seen before.

She walked inside, seeing that everything was dark all around her, except the full moon outside the double windows shining it's light for her to see what's around her.

"Hello", she asked again, since no one was answering her calls she decided to snoop around, finding anything she could find in her sight, all she has seen so far was a single bed, a nightstand, some old flowers , a wardrobe, a bird cage , a cat scratching post, and a large picture frame of a little girl that has purple hair with green eyes wearing a purple dress holding a red rose in her hand next too her is her mother, yui assumed as she looked older than the little girl.

"Strange, none of the brothers spoke to me about this place", she says in a whispered voice.

"Of all of our rooms , you decided to enter this one", says reiji , " that's for sure , how did you manage to enter this room , little bitch"? Asked Laito.

"W-w-well - oh enough of your damn excuses "! Shouts Subaruu as he slams his fists against the wall next to him, "the door was already unlocked and I heard a loud noise, so I came to check it out", says yui ," is that so? Well someone must've done this on purpose ", says reiji.

"Tch,she doesn't need to know about this bedroom ", says ayato, " w-what is this room anyway "? Asked Yui , *Shuu sighs in annoyance* ," it's a secret place that no one should've known about ", Shuu says.

"This room.....has a deep..... dark..... secret ", says Kanato, as he holds his teddy tightly against him, " it's pointless if we keep it a secret now", says ayato, " but if she finds out we have to kill her", says Subaruu while glaring at Yui.

"No! They're will be no killing ", says reiji as he pushes his glasses up against his nose. "Tch, fine", says Subaruu, *Laito sighs in annoyance*," already then guess you'll stay alive , little bitch....for now ", says Laito.

""? She asks knowing no one was gonna respond to her, but that's what she thought at first.

Yui looks at the picture as they started arguing about what they're gonna do with her. But then she had the courage to ask ," who's the girl and the woman in the painting"? She asked, they all suddenly got quiet for a moment.

"Tch this is bad", says Subaruu," tell me about it ", says ayato.

" But you pancake are an option to live", says ayato, "the truth is out now, we better say it", says ayato, " it's too soon", says Shuu as he is laying on the bed listening too his music.

They all grunt in irritation, then they started talking to each other back and forth in their head deciding on what to do with Yui and the situation they are in right now.

~End of Chapter ~

The Sakamaki Step Sister Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora