The beginning

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Tweeks POV: I woke up to see the face of the man who had become so obsessed with me that he'd taken me away from my family. He smiles at me from outside the cage he keeps me in. "Good morning, handsome. Did you sleep well?" I did not answer. I did not want to speak to him. He looks at me. "Still won't talk to me? Oh, come on my love, you know that we are meant to be. We are such a wonderful couple!" I glare at him. "We are not a couple. I do not love you! I will NEVER love you." He glares at me, with the utmost anger filling his eyes as he grabbed my shirt through the bars of the cage and pulled me towards him, pressing something cold against my neck. I knew, however, that it was not a knife of any kind, as it did not appear to hurt at all. He would not risk killing me, I knew that much. "You wanna say that again, my darling." This time, his voice was filled with disgust, instead of adoration like it usually was. "We. Will never. Be. A couple!" I shouted as loudly as I could, but I knew that Noone would ever hear me. I feel a shock go down my spine, and I yelp like a wounded dog and fall to the cold metal floor of the cage, shaking. He had electrocuted me. "You had been behaving so well these past few days. I was hoping that behavior would have continued, but it is clear you have not learned yet." He leaves, locking the door to the room my cage is in. The room had no windows, and was completely empty, except for a shelf of weapons and tools and books. He wouldn't allow me to read the books, the tools were used to repair the cage whenever it fell into disrepair(when I use to throw myself repeatedly at the bars and the door, to try and freemyself) and the weapons were often used on me. He uses them to hurt me. To make me so afraid of him that I would date him to make the pain stop. But I would never date him. I had a life before he kidnapped me. I had friends, parents, a job, and a loving boyfriend, and he's taken me away from all of that

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