Chapter 1: Her Heart

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There is so much going on in her life. She tries not to let her mind wonder but sometimes she does. This is one of those moments.

Cecilia Dunn found herself sitting on the swing on the front porch with her morning coffee. She could see a slight hit of the nighttime stars in the sky as the sun was starting to show up. The hint of orange coming up over the mountains with the nighttime sky still above always took her breath away.

The smell of the hay and grass was distinct in the dew from the storm from last night and her strong coffee with the cinnamon was under her nose. Her mind wandered in these moments to him. She never thought she would love someone after everything. She was raised to never let emotions control your mind but with Jake Andrews she couldn't help it. Something about this wanted man pulled her to him.

She wasn't sure when she was going to see him again but she made sure he knew this was a safe haven for him. A few hundred acres of ranch on the outskirts of a small town with few cameras. He could be free the moments he was here. However, that man never stayed long. This next time she hoped was different, she missed him every time and knowing he kept leaving didn't let her walls truly come down.

Did she love him? Hell yes, she would do anything for him. 

She was brought back to someone walking up the stairs. She looked up and saw Casey. He was like the brother she never had. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. The typical cowboy her daddy brought home to help on the ranch. Most of them never stuck around but he did. Which is why he was now in charge of keeping the boys in line.

"Cece, you might want to come to the barn today. There are supposed to be a few babies being born." Casey spoke to her. His voice made her smile.

He was one of the few to still call her Cece, and she loved it because it was a family nickname. 

"Okay I will be there. I know I got that wild mustang to break still that you managed to bring home." She chuckled at that. She still didn't know how he got that horse in the trailer without getting kicked. Shit, she almost got herself kicked and all the horses loved her.

"I knew you needed a project," he says as he sits down on the wooden swing next to her. She let out a sigh, it was the truth she was always looking for something to keep her mind busy. She felt his hand on her arm. "Any news on that man of yours?"

Casey knew a little about Jake. He didn't know the wanted part but he knew Jake took her heart every time he left here. Cecilia put on her mask that he had seen so much these last eight years. However, he wasn't blind, he saw the way she opened up when this man came around. While he didn't know everything he knew the real Cece came out when this man was around. 

Her sigh told him everything, "not yet but he knows here is always safe." Her heart was closed off from pretty much everyone now but Casey saw through it. She turned away from the sun rising and looked him in the eyes.

Casey knew this look, she was struggling but wasn't going to let them see it. He had caught her in a moment of what she calls weakness. "I will meet you at the barn with the boys." He stood up and messed up her hair. He knew she hated it but it was their way of saying see you soon. 

Cecilia swatted his hand away with a chuckle. "I'll be down in a few in the truck. Get those boys ready for one hell of a day."


The sun had long gone down by the time she pulled the truck up to the front of the house. She had barely looked at her phone but saw she had a new text from him. She was covered in dirt, hay and God knows what else but it was an amazing day. 

Casey was sitting in her passenger seat with two drinks in his hand. He figured she deserved one of his favorites after putting up with the boys today. He had no idea how she handled them as well. Actually that part is a lie, he knew how. Her father raised her to be one of the boys around the farm and she held that title well through the years.

They move to the tailgate and look up at the stars. It was a clear night and you could see every single star in the sky. 

"Cecilia, how in the hell have you not given up and left this small town again yet?" He saw her smile at his phone and knew she was lost in her world.

She looked at her phone and saw the message that he was on his way. She had no idea when he would be here but this time she knew she wasn't letting him leave her. She was brought out by a nudge to her shoulder.

She took a breath and almost gagged. She knew she stuck after today but man it was worse than normal. "Sorry, Casey. He's on his way." She looked up at the sky with a smile.

"I have never in my life since knowing you smile like this. I think it's time he got a real taste of the real Cece." Casey smiled at her.

He knew most men couldn't handle the side of her she kept hidden from most but he also knew she wasn't one to fall head over heels in love with just any man.

They laid back on the bed that was still covered in hay talking and remembering the moments they shared together just like this. Just as they were about to call it a night they heard a vehicle and saw the headlights. They both knew whoever it was, was on the ranch. Casey put his hand on his gun and stood in front of her as she didn't have hers on her directly.

Her breathing stopped as she saw the black sports car come up the road. She knew exactly who was in the car, she knew who she needed. It didn't occur to her to consider her appearance after the long day that she had. She needed him, only him. Nothing else mattered. As the car parked in front of the old big farmhouse she couldn't help but push Casey to the side and run to him.

Casey followed behind in case it wasn't who she had thought but as soon as the man got out of the vehicle he moved his gun and relaxed. He knew there was no doubt now this was Jake.

Cecilia ran up and stood in front of him but didn't wrap her arms around him as she was still filthy from the day work and now had hay in her hair. However, this man saw none of it and wrapped his arms around her and stared into her hazel eyes.

Heart like a Truck -DuskwoodWhere stories live. Discover now