Chapter 2: Taking Control

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Jake could care less if he got dirty from holding her. He missed everything about this woman standing in front him. Her long brown hair was now in a messy braid with pieces of hay in it and she was covered in mud. His hand moved to her face and run along her cheeks. He couldn't imagine how he got so lucky with her. He leaned in and kiss her lips gently and he felt he melt in his arms.

As she reluctantly pulled away she looked into his blue eyes and that scruff on his face. His black hair fell in front of his eyes slightly as he leaned down to her. The height difference was definitely there but that never stopped them before.

"You're not allowed to leave again," her voice stern. She heard a chuckle from behind and forgot in the moment Casey was there.

"Oh boy, You got your hands full." Casey chuckled at the two of them.

The chuckle Jake lets out gives Cecilia shivers down her spine. He very well knows she's a handful, and has been since the moment they started talking. "When isn't she a handful, Casey? However, I would not trade her for anyone else."

"Hey dipshit!" Cecilia yells as Casey starts walking away. "I still expect that cowboy coffee in the morning!"

"Same time as this morning, only way you will get it. Otherwise, I'm drinking it Cece!" He gets in the ATV he left up here earlier for this moment. After they day they hand this is a tradition they have had since they were just teenagers working this ranch and learning everything they could. As he mounts the ATV he turns around and watches her smile at this man and take him inside. He knows she won't be up early with him here, she will probably just be falling asleep then.

With their fingers interlaced, Cecilia pulled Jake up the porch into the house. Nothing was going to stop their time not even Casey remarks, about early morning coffee. She never had a problem waking up early even with Jake so the thought didn't even cross her mind.

As they walked into the house she took off her mud covered boots and cleaned off the big pieces. She sighed as it was now something else she would have to do before she showered.

She felt arms around her waist, feeling his breath on her neck. "Love, go relax. I will get these for you," Jakes voice was gentle but demanding and she loved when he was in this mood. She didn't know how he didn't care about getting dirty from holding her.

A smile was evident on her face as she moved away and saw him grab her boots and the brush and take them outside. Jake wasn't her normal type. He sure wasn't what everyone expected her be with but it didn't matter. Her heart belonged to him and nothing could change this feeling.

When it came to Jake Andrews, she wanted to settle down, she wanted this man to be free from being forced to run. She wasn't sure how she was going to manage that but there was no way she was letting him leave her again.

She turned and shook her head as she caught the mess. She had only came home for food and to change her clothes from after the horses being born today that the house was a mess. She refused though to let herself nof relax. If she had too it would be a day around the house and let Casey take care of the ranch tomorrow.

She entered the bathroom, thankful for her silk robe. She decided to leave the door unlocked. She put on some soft country music that has been helping her relax and after peeling off her clothes she pulled off the hay and big pieces of mud that got under her clothes and in her hair as she got in the shower.

He entered back into the house and heard the water running. As he looked around he realized how busy she had been since she didn't pick up around the house. The thought of surprising her so they could relax was all he could think of. He grabbed a towel and threw it in the dryer to be warm for her and started picking up. He knew how she kept things as he always helped with this in the past but tonight he wanted some alone time. He had missed her these last couple months and by the way she ran to him he knew it was just as hard for her.

Heart like a Truck -DuskwoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora