Chapter 4: Walls Breaking

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⚠️trigger warnings: mention of death, alcoholism, and language

The air in this truck as the three of us was thick with suspense. Cecilia felt Jake hand on her thigh but as much as she wanted to shut out the world and take Jake dressed like a cowboy she couldn't. Her eyes kept darting to him. How he looked in that red plaid and those jeans set her core on fire. It was a look she always loved on guys but with Jake she fell in love with his soul and mind before ever seeing him. However his muscles did wonder for him in this even though everything was a size bigger because of being Casey's. Her right hand left the wheel and put it on her thigh over his hand.
She didn't want him to run because of what was bound to happen. Her heart knew they would find their piece of heaven here on these acres and he would run until it was safe. In her mind she had a feeling who was at the house but she had to come up with a lie. She was preparing herself for the worst.

"Cece, what are you thinking?" Casey voice behind her in the back seat. His voice filled with concern for the woman who's always been a sister to him. His eyes caught hers in the rearview mirror.

"What is waiting for me," she tried to hide her panic from the two guys but they both knew her too well.

As she finally pulled her truck up into the front of the house her heart sank. It was her worst fear, it was the FBI. Her and Jake's eyes met each other, she could see the fear in his blue eyes at the sight in front of them. Before opening the doors,she sighed,"follow my lead boys," taking a deep breath to regain her confidence.

Out of the SUVs was her lawyer; Jackson Carter, Eric Randall the chief of the Police and a man dressed in a suit. She looked at Jake and back to the house and watched him walk there before she opened her mouth.

"Cecilia, there has been new evidence found on the death of your parents" Jackson states.

She turned her head so face, certain she was going to have whiplash from it. She looked over the men standing in front of her. Unsure what to say, it's been eight years since the accident. Her and Casey were the ones to find them as they came home from the bar. Unable to say words she turned around but not before looking at the man next to her that had stood by her side through it all.

"Jackson, what are you talking about? It was stated to be an accident," Casey's voice full of concern. He knew this conversation was going to open a deep wound for Cece but neither of them understood. They had found the truck used to haul hay hit one of the apple trees they had on the farm.

"You see it wasn't an accident. Someone tampered with the vehicle. Someone who was on the farm then and still is now. He is always wanted for other crimes from before he started here."

Looking down at the ground and digging her feet in. Besides Casey there was only one man still here from that time and she knew exactly who. "That lying piece of fucking shit," she mumbled under her breath. The anger rose inside of her. She and her father had trusted this man. "I'll take you to him," her voice dark. 

'Cece, let me. You go calm down otherwise you will end up in no better spot. Remember that man in that house" his hazel eyes looking at the house then back at her. "He needs you to stick around." Putting his hand out for her keys.

'NO! Ryan is the reason they aren't here anymore. I want to see him arrested!" She turns toward the three men that told her this information. "I'm on my property, my only request before you read him his rights is I get to punch him."

She heard the chief chuck, "I won't stop you."  Eric states. He's known her since she was just knee high before he even joined the force.

Feeling the keys in his hand, Casey knows she isn't in her right mind to drive to the bunk house. He sees the look in her face and this isn't what she expected tonight. He watches her jump in the passenger seat and sighs. Looking at the house she sent Jake too, he knows that man is watching out the window unsure of what is going on. However he gets in the truck, looking over at the hellfire sitting in the passenger seat. He knows she's going to fight the biggest guy and he won't stop her.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2023 ⏰

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