6. Change of Plans

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Alanna rushes to retrieve her toiletries from the bathroom, placing them in a ziplock before stuffing them into her bag. She made a mental checklist of daily necessities to ensure she had packed what she needed for the trip to Michigan.

The plan was to head over to Bobby's and pick him up so they could ride to the airport together. She was dreading the trip for the past couple days, not knowing what to expect.

Speaking to a bunch of college students about a job she obtained by unconventional standards didn't sit right with her. She wasn't exactly the spokesperson for nobility.

Sanchez informed her that she would need to create the presentation for the seminars her and Bobby would host.

Upon putting the lecture together, Alanna caught glimpses of her college self. The over-achieving, eccentric girl who worked hard to obtain her goals. The girl who went the extra mile to stand out and overshadow her classmates for academic validation from her superiors.

All that effort only to have her life spiral in a completely different direction. She was robbed of her optimism. She inevitably made it to where she worked so hard to be, but at what cost?

As the time approached for her to leave, Alanna grabbed her belongings and headed out the door. When she made it down to the lobby, Sanchez stood there with a bag in hand. He turned when he heard the sound of the elevator doors close, making eye contact with her.

Alanna carefully approached him, eyeing his bag. They greeted each other before she questions him.

"Heading out for a case?"

"No," Sanchez sighs, "I'm coming with you."

Alanna stares at him with confusion fogging her eyes. "I thought I was going with Bobby?"

"He has a family emergency, so I'm taking over for him. I assigned Wu to run point if a case comes up."

Alanna felt mixed emotions about the change in plans. She was more comfortable around Sanchez than anyone else, but that comfort only induced an urge to keep distance between them.

Unfortunately, that was easier said than done. She'd be alone with him for two days, and that thought brought on a burst of anxiety.

"Is it too late to claim a family emergency as well?" Alanna huffs while running a hand through her hair.

"Funny. Let's go before we miss our flight."

He doesn't waste time before heading towards the parking lot with Alanna hot on his heels.

The car and plane rides were spent in silence. They were seated in different sections on the plane, which Alanna was thankful for. When they landed, they took a ride service to their hotel in Ann Arbor.

When they arrived to the hotel, the pair walked over to the front desk to retrieve their room keys.

Sanchez immediately catches the attention of the receptionist, who is overly friendly with him. He keeps his end of the conversation short, providing her with the information for both reservations.

The receptionist ponders him with questions about his visit as she hands him their room cards. The woman gives him suggestive glances as she holds a conversation with him, disregarding Alanna's presence entirely.

"Well, Agent Sanchez," she draws out his title with a hint of flirtation, "my name is Amelia. If there's anything I can do to make your stay more accommodating, please let me know." She smiles softly at him, fanning her eyelashes.

Alanna forcefully swallows the chuckle threatening to escape her lips.

"Thank you, Amelia." Sanchez smiles awkwardly.

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