third chapter

12 1 5

Rue's pov

So there I stood, with all of my might ready for 'earth's mightiest heros' to walk into the 'conference room'.
It was quiet and nice when suddenly seven people walked into the room, two of them arguing.
two talking quietly.
two talking less quietly.
And one looks like he's scared to hurt a fly.
Once they all settled down, Fury began talking, "Avengers, I would like you to meet professor Snape, Rue Snape." He took a moment and continued, "she will be joining you."

"What?" The two looks alike asked.

"She's dangerous!" The redhead added.

"She's the one who kicked me!" Said a dark-haired man.

"Stop whining, Stark." Told him a blonde man.

"Don't tell me what to do, Rogers." 'Stark' replied.

"I will tell—" "Enough, children, that is quite enough.
I am here to do good, not harm if you choose to, accept it, but your opinion will not change the decision that was made." I told them.

"Good job, professor, seemed like someone finally made them shut up," Fury told me after a minute of silence.

"Thank you, I'm used to working with children, they will not be different," I smirked.

"We will get your Hippogriff to the tower," Fury told me and I nodded.

"If you don't mind, I will need to grab some things from my house..." I trailed off and he sighed, "take the kids with you." He told me, "do you need a jet?"

"No... that will not be necessary," I smirked and Accioed some floo powder, "do you have a fireplace in here?" I asked with a smirk.


"All you're going to do is grab a handful of this, get into the fireplace, say 'rue's house' loud and clear, and drop the powder," I explained.

"You want us to step into a fireplace and do that?" Tony asked.

"Yes." I said and walked into the fireplace before any of them would argue, "rue's house." I said, dropped the powder, and found myself back at my house.

One by one, 'earth's mightiest heroes' showed up.

"Welcome," I said through gritted teeth as Clint tried to touch something he shouldn't, I lifted my hand a bit, and his body froze.

"You will not touch anything unless told to, if you have questions, keep them to yourself, if you're wondering something, keep it up." I cleared out.

"Wow, could you be any more grumpy?" Tony asked and I did a movement as if I were zipping my mouth and soon enough when he tried to talk he found out he could not.

"Simple silencing spell," I explained as I walked into my bedroom.

I took out a photo album and put it in my bag, I kept on putting personal things in there until someone walked in.

"What do you want?" I asked.

"Who's that?" Clint asked as he lifted a picture of me and Severus, I was in a blue floral dress while Severus was in a suit, it was from our first date, "and how is that picture moving?"

"Did you not hear what I just told you in the living room?" I asked.

"Oh come on, two questions, you can do it!" He did a cheerleading pose and I sighed.

"It's my husband, from our first date." I sighed.

"You have a husband?" He asked, shocked.

"Used to."

"Don't worry, I went through a divorce too... it'll be fine." God is this man stupid, a moron, or an idiot?

"I would never divorce him, he died," I told him as I took the photo from him.

"Oh... I'm sorry." He looked down, ashamed.

"It's fine, just don't ask me anymore."

"But you?
In a floral dress?
Right now you look like... a dungeon bat." He laughed and I stopped in my tracks.

"Do. not. ever. call. me. that." I told him slowly.

"Okay, okay, jeez I won't." He sighed and walked out.

After making sure they were all talking among themselves I finished packing my things.

"Come on, let's go," I said, took the charm off of Tony, and walked into the fireplace, "Avengers tower." I dropped the powder.

Is this the Avengers tower?
It's better from the outside.


Are there any moments you would like to see?
BTW, kinda shipping rue and Clint, opinions?

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