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Tommy gave a small smile as he waved, "hello" purpled just gave a nod as Kyla gave a smile back. It wasn't too long till things got a bit awkward and Kyla went back to sit where she was previously, purpled and Tommy sat down in their seats. The room was silent for a little longer before the silence was broken by a harsh mix of sounds, at first it was a cut off scream followed by thumping at the stairs, at the end all that was heard was a small squeak. Within a few seconds the squeak was accompanied by loud laughter, "you fucking idiot! Do you not know how to walk down steps?" 

They quickly noticed Wilbur was the one laughing and quackity was the one at the bottom of the steps, with that information the whole table began giggling. Eventually Phil had spoken up while still giggling, "you ok, quackity?" he asked while the black haired walked in wearing a big shirt and shorts. Clearly he had just gotten up, "yeah, my side just hurts a bit" with that he sat down and rubbed his eyes. "That was an amazing start to my day" wilbur said with a smile as he went and sat down next to quackity, wilbur was fully dressed in his usual attire. Which was just a turtleneck sweater and a pair of black pants with it, with his hat. 

"Anyways you two, meet the new member" with that he shifted his gaze to kyla, she gave a smile and waved at wilbur and quackity. "Hello!" she said excitedly, quackity gave a small wave and wilbur gave her a smile. "Sorry for the other manners, they don't like new people but I'm sure they'll warm up to you '' Phil said after Kyla gave a slightly disappointed face at her greeting. "It's ok i understand" 

After a few hours purpled and tommy had gone into the living room and sat on the couch, tommy had gotten into purpled's lap and leaned against the older while scrolling through social media. Purpled was also on his phone but had his arm around the golden blonde, eventually Kyla walked into the room and looked at them. Both had noticed her presence but said nothing nor did they acknowledge that she had came in, "are you two dating?" she said as she came and sat on the couch on the other side of the small coffee table. 

Both looked at her then to each other, Tommy turned a bright red and looked away. "No" he said while looking back at his phone to distract himself, kyla gave a nod and kept silent for a moment. 

Eventually the black haired girl sighed and looked at purpled who had a light shade of pink on his cheeks, "well then, how was your guy's day?" Tommy gave a shrug for he had only woken up about 3 hours ago. "Not very productive" he responded before changing his position in purpled's lap so his back was leaning against the armrest on the couch and so his legs were up on the couch. Not even 30 seconds later trixy walked in and looked at the 3 before choosing to sit on the opposite side of the couch Kyla was on, almost immediately Kyla smiled and began to talk to trixy. Though trixy only gave her short answers, Kyla kept talking, she talked and talked. Mostly about herself and her achievements, she talked so much that Tommy eventually fell asleep with his head on purpled's chest. 

Purpled didn't mind, he actually quite enjoyed Tommy's presence. Not so much for kyla, he would have been okay with trixy but kyla was a whole new level of annoying. Trixy loved to talk but it was about many different random things like, why math doesn't make sense. It was an actual conversation they had together, trixy was getting mad at the letters added to problems. But kyla only seemed to talk about her and only her, maybe she was just letting other people get to know her. But all purpled knew about her was that she was annoying and didnt stop fucking talking, shes 100% going to be someone he avoids in the


Hehe hello again 😅

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