3 - Memories

194 15 42

i want to eat this persons art style so badly wth 

tw: mentions of fighting, mentions of alcohol, abuse(?)

[ Shadow Pov ]

"Sorry-" Sonic whispered, a shaky chuckle escaping his lips. I felt my ears lower in pity and fought every urge I had to embrace him immediately, knowing he would most likely freak out. "We should probably head to sleep now.." He stuttered, clambering off the roof. I nodded and followed behind him, walking inside.

. . .

I watched as Sonic slowly walked through the living room and towards a steep breach of stairs. I followed closely behind and examined the azure's body language. He took heavy, stumbling steps, and wiped his eyes or nose occasionally.

He took a shaky breath and sighed deeply. "The guest room is right there." He said, pointing a finger weakly across the hall. I nodded and turned the knob of the guest room looking back at him.

"Goodnight." I said, hoping maybe that would help the azure's mental state. I watched as one of his ears flicked as he quickly glanced over at me. There was a gleam of surprise but it was heavily hidden due to the exhaustion already taking place.

"Thank you." He replied, turning the knob to his bedroom. He stopped suddenly before disappearing behind the door. "Goodnight.." He mumbled, finally shutting the door behind him, leaving me alone in the hallway.

Sighing, I walked inside the guest room and observed it. It was nice and clean, with made sheets and was decorated with small picture frames which were scattered throughout the room. One of the frames rested on a nightstand beside the neatly made bed and faced toward me.

Picking it up, I observed the picture. It was a group photo of all of Sonic's friends. In the front, Amy, Tails, Knuckles and Sonic. He stood directly in the middle with a wide smile, Amy latching onto his right arm, and Knuckles had Tails lifted onto his shoulder.

I put the frame down and walked around the room observing more of the photos. I found one of Silver and Blaze, and one of the Chaotix throwing Sonic a small birthday party. My eyes stopped at one specific picture in particular.

Rose was holding the camera, and in the background was Sonic and I. My right arm was mid-swing towards his face, and he had started to duck away. I must have tripped Rose, because she had fallen just as the camera shutter clicked, giving the whole photo a sense of paused movement.

Chuckling quietly, I set the photo back where I found it and sighed, but before I could turn around to go lay in bed I saw something in the corner of my eye. Turning around, my smile faded as I noticed a broken frame tossed on the floor near the closet.

Inching closer, I gently picked up the frame and looked at the individual in the photo. It was a Mobian I had never seen before. I felt a churn of suspicion rise inside of me as I darted my eyes around his features.

The man in the photo had light blue, tattered quills and scuffed ears. His eyes were a piercing, mint green which seemed to stare directly into mine. His fur was a pale shade of peach and he leaned against a wall roughly.

In the background of the photo I saw a small, cobalt colored blur. Squinting my eyes, I tried to make out who it was but had no avail. What interested me more was the array of cracks on the frame. With the knowledge that I had from working at G.U.N I came to the observation that the photo would have had to be thrown to form such cracks.

Realizing Sonic was the only one that lived in this house, I felt the quills on my head bristle from unsettlement.

What would have caused him to throw this photo, and who is this guy?

Hearing a sound downstairs, I was ripped out of my thoughts. I opened the door to the guest room and walked out into the hallway silently. Stepping down the stairs, I peeked into where the kitchen was to see Sonic leaning against the countertop tiredly.

A glass of water was held in one hand, and the other helped support his weight as he leaned against the table. I squinted my eyes and observed the items that were laid on the counter next to him.

A small orange bottle was in front of him, and he took a sip of the water. Sighing, he opened the cabinet above him and stuck the bottle inside. Shutting it, he turned around and began to walk towards the stairway before spotting me.

Stopping suddenly, his ear twitched and he stared at me like a deer in headlights.

"Oh- Shads- what are you doing here..- I-I thought you'd be asleep." He chuckled nervously.

"I heard noise, so I came to check it out." I responded, glancing at the cabinet. "You okay?" I asked, my eyes meeting him again.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He responded, walking up the stairs quickly passing me. "Thanks." He said, a small smile on his muzzle. He shut the door behind him quickly and left me alone once again.


I walked back to the guest bedroom and shut the door as I walked inside. Slipping off my gloves and socks, I set them on the nightstand beside me. I shuffled under the covers and let my eyelids grow heavy. 

Even with all the questions going through my head, I couldn't help but feel tired. It had been a long time since I had gotten some decent sleep. Sighing, I let sleep drag me away into the blackness of rest.





[ Sonic Pov ]

I sat up in my bed quickly, breathing heavily and sweating. I placed my hands on my face and felt dampness on my eyes. 

Wiping the tears I didn't know were there, I took deep, calming breaths to slow down my pounding heart.

I had another nightmare. I couldn't remember it visually, but could recall the noises. 

I remember, crying? Yelling, shouting, footsteps... glass breaking? 

My ears pinned to the back of my head in fright as the sound of shattering rang in my ears. Trying to cover them, I groaned quietly trying to block all of it out.

I listened to my breaths, observing how they got slower, and slower. Shadow was still asleep in the guest bedroom, and the last thing a wanted was for him to wake up. I didn't want him to see me in the state I was in. 

Sniffing a few times, I ran my hands through my quills pulling them gently. It was a bad habit I had grown as a child. I would pull them enough to hurt, but not enough to bleed. Shuddering slightly, I remembered small bits and pieces from my childhood.

There was always fighting. Always yelling. A night without dinner. There was crying, and pleading, and shattering. 

I pulled the hood of my sweater over my head and tried to submerge myself into the fabric, hoping maybe it would help me escape. 

Where's momma?

I groaned quietly as the memory flashed through my head. 

She's not coming back.

"No.." I groaned, pushing my ears downwards.

It's all your fault. You're the reason she wanted to leave this god forsaken earth. 

An image of a tall Mobian entered my head. A bottle hung loosely from his hand and he stared down at me angrily. I watched as he brought the bottle upwards menacingly. 

"No no no no no..." 

Before the man could bring his hand down, my bedroom door creaked open. I wiped my eyes quickly and turned to see Shadow staring at me in concern. 

"Faker, what's going on?"

. . .

ah yes cliffhangers, dont we love them. 

2 chapters in one day?!?!

1301 words!!


𝗔𝘄𝗮𝗸𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 ❞ ¡! SonadowDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora