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"It was just some sick fuck having a laugh Sidney". Tatum reassures Sydney from beside me.

"No it was him, Tatum. I know it." Sydney insists before pushing past a group of studentd blocking the schools exit.

"Well, you're not to be alone anymore, right? If you pee, I pee. Is that clear?" Tatum asks rhetorically with a worried frown spread across her perfect face.

"Shit I'm sorry Sid. If I'd stayed just a little bit longer maybe we could've gotten the mask of that guy." I sigh in defeat, slowing down my pace.

"Hey. Don't think like that B. If it really was the killer then he would've been armed and I know you'd fight tooth and nail to get that mask off of their head. It would've ended badly for sure." She reassures me with a strained but genuine smile. I don't respond and instead just nod and thow my arm around her neck.

After a few more steps in silence someone pushed their way between me and Sydney making me drop my arm from around her tense shoulders.

" Kizool, cause schizzool, is ixzout. I don't know what you did ladies, but on behalf of the entire student body, we all day THANKYOU for a week off!" An excited Stuart exclaims excitedly as he throws a long arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him in a celebratory hug.

"Stop it, Stu!" Tatum complains making Stu role his eyes. Seeing his face deflate of happiness I make sure to send him an excited grin in an attempt to lighten the mood. He catches it and grin back before bending over and throwing me over his shoulder and continuing to walk.

"No, I say party at my house, in two days. To celebrate this little fiasco. My party planner of course is none other than the talented Bailey Prescott. What do you say?" He asks happily I assume to Sidney and Tatum, not that I'd be able to tell since I was dangling half way down his back. As the blood begins to rush to my head I tap on his back to signal to him to let me down.

"Are you serious?" Sydney questions, slightly irritated.

"Parents are out of town, and if these two gorgeous girls don't invite the entire world, we'll be fine." He answers, referencing bis girlfriend and I. With a disappointed sigh he drops me back onto my feet.

"Intimate gathering, intimate friends." He continues before rushing forwards in an attempt to catch up with Sydney and Tatum who hadn't stopped to wait for us.

"Come on Sid, I'm gonna go, why don't you?" I question in an attempt to persuade her.

"I mean, pathos could have its perks Sid." Tatum adds on.

"Totally protected. Yo, I am so buff. I got you covered, girl." Stu chimes in before reaching out in an attempt to grab my hand. Still recovering from being upside down, I decline with a small shake of my head leaving Stu to frown and reach for Tatum beside him.

"No..." Sydney trails off uncomfortably making me feel bad.

"Come on, Sid. For me? It could be fun ." Tatum please desperately.

"Hey if you don't wanna go I get it Sid it makes complete sense. In all honesty it would be smart for me to do the same." I reply strangely earning myself a chilling death glare from Stu. His eyes don't leave mine as he leans down and begins kissing Tatum's neck making me uncomfortable.

"Ok m, whatever I'll go." Sydney gives in with a sigh.

"Yeah? Nice." Stu replies, dragging out the last few letters. His eyes are wide open and I don't know if it's a trick if the light but his pupils have grown and covered all the baby blue that usually stares back happily. His crazed stare lands on me, making me speed up and begin to put distance between myself and the group.

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