| Chapter 1 |

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Discretion αdvised: mature content and sexual violence.
Please do not read this story if you are easily disturbed by these serious topics.
{18+ content.}
Word count: 2888
{Ghormeh Sabzi - An Iranian herb stew. It is considered the national dish and it is a very popular dish in Iran. Also, it's very delicious.}

It all started as one simple lie.

"I told you before that I wasn't there. I don't understand why you're keeping me here," I said angrily, glaring right at the police officer who sat in front of me, staring at me as if I did something wrong, watching as the police officer's jaw clenched tightly, and if I squinted hard enough, I think I saw a vein pop out as well. I felt a burning hot surge of adrenaline and anger burn inside my stomach, just waiting to erupt like Mount Vesuvius. I wanted to sit back and wait for the officer to charge at me first just so I could have an excuse to let out my anger.

"Well, there is evidence, security footage and a strand of red hair which was from you, that shows us that you were at the crime scene, young lady." The police officer replied with an unimpressed and annoyed tone, glancing up from his clipboard to send me a sharp look. I felt my agitation grow even more than before as I clenched my fists under the table and I ignored the sharp burning pain of nails digging into the palms of my hands as I thought of a bloody fight or stuffing a greasy burger down my throat to release my frustration. I didn't want to burst right there and then, but the thought of being suspected of a crime I didn't commit was too much to bear.

However, I also felt a pang of disbelief. As the officer began to gather his papers up and left me alone in the interrogation room, I could only answer back by sticking my middle finger up, before I let my hand drop, the sound of my skin slamming down onto the table caused me to slightly hiss before I brought my hand up and let my cheek rest on it, yawning as I did so and as I remained seated inside the room, my mind raced with thoughts of how to get out of this mess. I needed to find a way to prove my innocence; as I hadn't been at the crime scene, especially that late at night. But first, I needed to find something or someone, to let out my anger on.

I looked around the room, finding only the spotless table before me and my anxious thoughts. Come on, I have so many places to be, didn't exams and the bustle of university exist anymore to anyone? The emptiness of the room only intensified the gnawing sense of uncertainty that I felt in the pit of my stomach while being detained for a crime that I didn't even commit. I stretched my legs, groaning softly in satisfaction when I heard my joints pop before I slouched down and sprawled myself over the table.

I absentmindedly brushed my hair away from my face, the sounds of clinking echoed in the empty, dull room as I sat with bored and teary eyes, the yellow chipped wall before me was my only source of entertainment. I could easily count with all my fingers how many times I had yawned over the past couple of hours.

However, as I remained idly in my seat, my thoughts surrounding the possibilities of what could happen to me, engulfed my consciousness. The longer I stayed in custody, the surge of anxiety would burst into my veins. As I looked up at the clock, a deep sigh escaped my parted lips, only to find that I had missed my only bus, and I was an hour late to the university. Scratch that, I missed a whole day of university. Wonderful.

'Great, just what I needed today.' I thought to myself, as I nibbled on my lower lips and shook my foot, feeling it begin to tingle with pins and needles. The result of staying in one place for so long, I just knew that I was currently being watched by other officers after watching many spy movies for so long, it became a small detail in my eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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