Good Morning |2/

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It's the first day of summer and what am I going to do you ask? Go and hang out with Tyler of course. Since it's Summer, I can finally pull out my shorts. I search through my drawers trying to find my favorite pair of washed out, torn up, black shorts with holes just big enough to the point where they're cute and not trashy. Over the shorts I put on the most comfortable shirt I own. My oversized black tshirt with a vintage looking ribcage and roses growing out of it. Since I get cold real easily, I put on my red beanie that Tyler gave me, and don't even bother to brush out my long dark brown hair. All ready to go I head out straight for Tyler's house and I left my parents, who are still sleeping, a note saying where I'd be if they would need me.

I knock on his door and no one answers. He said he was awake and ready for me to come over but knowing Tyler, he probably fell asleep again. Becoming impatient, I go to the side of the house to his room and check to see if the window is unlocked. To my surprise it is, and I see the expected, Tyler sound asleep in his bed.

Being the best friend I am, I wake him up with a series of loud noises.

"Eliza... wh-what are you doing here? How'd you get in my room?" Tyler asks with the words slurring together.

"Well, you said you were up, which obviously you weren't so I decided to come in the back way... also known as your window."

He lets out a small giggle and stretches as he finally gets out of bed.

Tyler is so cute when he's tired, the way he just mopes around all confused and dopey really gets to me. I couldn't help but smile.

I sit on his bed and watch him get ready and once he's finally finished we walk downstairs to get breakfast.

"So El, how'd you like Junior year?"

"To be honest, not my favorite. I'm just happy to be a senior and finally getting to apply for colleges. But most importantly, get out of high school. You still have your mind set on college too?"

"Actually, no. I don't really want to go to college anymore. I want to get into music more, maybe really start a career in that area"

"Woah wait Ty hold up when did you ever decide on this?"

"Last night actually, I was just playing piano and I realized how much I loved music and how much I lo-"

All the sudden he just stops and stares at me, then he just continues to eat his cereal and continue like nothing happened.


"Uhh so yeah, I dont know honestly... I just really want to focus on music."

"Yeah yeah of course I get that, have you told your parents?"

"No way, you know how my dad would react, he'd probably disown me. I can't let him down any more than I already have..."

You could hear the shame in his voice.

"Tyler don't say that, you're dad is proud of you, it may not be the path he thought you would take, but it's the one you chose and he supports you. And I support you, I always will. You hear me?"

"Yeah I hear you, thanks El."

He gives me a hug and I wanted to stay there forever, never leaving his arms. It just felt right. But as soon as it started, it ended and we just smiled and started a new conversation.

so in this story the chapters are gonna be jumping from Eliza to Tyler, but not in any special pattern. just in whatever im feeling like writing that day lol
-lexi :) xoxo

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