Wake-Up Call. |5/

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I wake up alone in the tent, which was weird because Tyler was definitely with me last night. I get out and stretch only to see him sitting on the still wet dock playing his ukulele. Before I walk over to tell him good morning, I check my phone which we left in the car to charge.

One missed call from Mom.


I call her back and she probably gave me the worst news yet. My grandma down in Georgia is sick again and we're going to spend two weeks in Atlanta with my moms side of the family. I wouldn't be so mad if it wasn't for two weeks?! We have three weeks till school starts and I have to spend two of them in Atlanta? What am I gonna do with Tyler... We haven't been away from each other for over a week before, this is gonna be hard.

I walk over to tell him the terrible news. As I make my way over I listen to what he's playing. It's my favorite song he plays, Can't Help Falling In Love. Not an original, it's a cover but the way he plays it is beautiful.

Like a river flows

Surely to the sea

Darling so it goes

Some things are meant to be

Take my hand, take my whole life too

For I can't help falling in love with you

I surprise him from behind and give him a little kiss, and he can't help but smile.

"Hey there early bird, hows it going?" I ask softly

"Pretty good actually, happy to see the weather cleared. Oh and I'm happy to see you too. Anyone ever tell you how adorable you look in the morning?"

God that face he makes when he says cute things like that makes me melt.

"Thanks Ty. I need to tell you something though, and you're not gonna like it."

"Oh no, is this about last night? I'm sorry, I know I was moving to fast I didn't mean-"

"No no no! That's definitely not it! Not it at all."

"Oh... Well then carry on, sorry."

"Alright well, what I was trying to say was that I got a call from my mom this morning and she said that my grandmother is sick, again. The doctors aren't sure if she's going to be around for to much longer so my mom wants the family to go see her in Atlanta... for two weeks."

"Oh God, two weeks?! Why two weeks?"

"Well my mom feels bad for missing family reunions, and she misses her family in Atlanta so she wants to spend time there for a little bit."

"El, I'm going to miss you like crazy. What am I going to do with out you for two weeks!? When does your mom want to leave?" He was nearly in tears.

"Two days. So I have two days to pack for two weeks of hot weather with my snobby rich relatives in hot-lanta."

"Are they really that snobby?" Tyler asks actually laughing a little.

"Well I haven't seen them since I was nine, but when I was down there last, I remember my cousin Katherine always used to push me off there huge swing set and when I would fall into the mud and it would get on her dress and she'd go and tell on me to her daddy about how I got her dress dirty."

"Is she the same age as you?"

"Yeah, and she has two little brothers, Troy and Trent, they're twins and both in seventh grade."

"Sounds like a full house."

"I would say yes, but their house is huge so not really."

"Understandable. Well we still have two days to have fun, right?"


We both stand up and go back to the tent deciding to pack up early and head home. We pull into the neighborhood and see someone finally bought the house across the street from me.

"Oh yeah, I heard a new family was moving in, but I didn't know exactly when. I guess I know now though."

"Hey Tyler look, they have a son."

"Oh no, no competition please!"

"Oh shut up Ty!" I say giving him a little kiss to make sure he knew I meant it.

"Want to go introduce ourselves?"

"Sure, why not. I could always use another bro to hang out with."

Rolling my eyes at Tyler's silly comment we get out of the car and walk across the street and see our new neighbor. He has a nose piercing and gauges in his ears. Oh and I must say, some colorful hair. He seems nice though.

"Hi there!" I say with a little to much enthusiasm.

"Oh uhm hey, how's it going?" He says with a little confusion.

"Pretty good, allow me to introduce ourselves. I'm Tyler, and this is Eliza. We live across the street."

"Oh, it's nice to meet you guys. I'm Joshua Dun, but you guys and call me Josh." He said with a friendly smile.

Wow. Good teeth... and I was right, he was nice.

"So josh what grade are you in?" I ask trying to start a conversation again.

"About to start my Senior year actually, how about you guys?"

"Us too." We say at the same time.

We all laugh a little and keep the conversation short and sweet. Walking back over to unpack the car we talk about our new friend Josh across the street.

"He seems like a pretty chill guy to be honest."

"Yeah, it'll be fun getting to know him." I add.

"Maybe I can make a new friend while you're gone for two weeks."

"Fine with me, but I want my spot back when I return!"

"Oh that's guaranteed, no one could take you're spot Eliza." He says as he leans me against the car kissing me hard. His hands running through my hair and mine wrapping around his neck. We're lucky we stopped when we did because my mom just walked out trying to take out the garbage.

"That was close." He says and we both giggle a little.

"What's so funny, you two?" My mom asks sounding suspicious.

"Oh nothing just a joke Tyler said earlier." I say quickly so Tyler doesn't make up some absurd excuse.

"Alright then, how was the camping trip? I see you're home early."

"It was great Mrs. Banks! We should have the families join next time."

"Maybe we will!" She says as she goes back inside.

it's kind of slow rn but i promise things are heating up real soon!
-lexi :) xoxo

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