Future Team Arrow 5

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William Clayton/Queen 💻 has added Mia 🥊, Felicity 📱, Zoey 🏵, Roy 🗡, Dinah 💪, Conner 🔦, and Rene 🏒 to the group chat.

🔦: William! You're back! 👋

💻: Yeah, sorry about skipping last time, just was busy with deciphering one of Dale's encrypted files

🥊: 🤓

💪: Didn't understand half of what you said, but I'm sure it'll be helpful

💻: Um, thanks?

🗡: Yeah, your mom used to get that all the time

💪: Lol

📱: I really did, especially from Team Arrow

💪: You mean from Oliver?

📱: Mostly, yes

🥊: Are you ever going to stop with the stupid comparisons, Roy?!

🗡: 🤷‍♂️

💻: Honestly, I've found it's easier to just accept the fact that he's not going to stop

🗡: It's true.

🥊: What is wrong with you people 🙄

🗡: Everything, Mia. Everything.

💪: Yeah.

📱: 🙃

🏵: Anyone else going to mention my dad's unusual quietness?

💻: Oh, yeah! Did you have any troubles connecting to the chat, Mr. Ramirez?

💻: You know, since this is your first time and all

🏒: ...

📱: That's not a great sign 😕

🥊: Just cause he acts like a buisness snob doesn't mean you have to treat him like one, Willy 😒

🔦: Yeah, why did you call him, Mr Ramirez?

💻: Well, I just wanted to be respectful because he's my best friend's dad

🏵: I appreciate the gesture, but I'm not even that nice to him

🥊: 🤣

💻: Okay, sorry

📱: It's okay, William. You were just trying to be nice

💻: Thanks, mom ❤

🥊: Don't listen to her, Willy! You should never apologize for being yourself, even if you're a big dork

📱: That was unnecessarily rude, Mia 😥

🥊: Which part? The part where I said he should be himself or the part where I said you're babying him?

🗡: And the show continues 🍿

💪: I'm with you, Roy

💻: Firstly, thanks for defending me, Mia. Secondly, Mom I really wish you'd stop babying me because I just want to be partners in this!

🥊: Always willing to fight the power 😉

🏵: Agreed.

🏵: You here yet, dad?

🏒: ...

🥊: I'd say not 🤣

📱: It's not that I'm babying you, William. I just want to make sure you're safe all the time

💻: That is like the literal definition of being an overbearing parent!

🏵: I wouldn't know considering my dad was always the opposite 😒

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