chapter 2

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Later on that night still nobody pov as everyone was doing their own thing then Arthur had walked out of the house looking for Nia but he couldn't find her then Arthur say Micah have you seen Nia then Micah say what do you mean have I seen her then Arthur say I haven't seen her all day and I looked in the house in her room and everything and I can't find her then Micah say did you ask around then Arthur say yeah then Micah say I'll keep an look out then Arthur had walked away then he had saw Tilly sitting down then Arthur say have you seen Nia then Tilly say she went to this abandoned house up North of Strawberry then Arthur say did she tell you why then Tilly say all she said that she needed to clear her head then Arthur say thank you and walked away and went to his horse and got on it and left camp and went to the abandoned house that Nia was at and he had saw her horse there then Arthur had mount his horse and got off and went inside the house then Arthur say Nia are you in here then Nia had came downstairs then Nia say why are you here then Arthur say what is this place and why is it in the middle of nowhere then Nia say this is my own little hideout then Arthur say you could have told me where you been going then Nia say I don't have to tell you anything then Arthur say okay what is really going on here then Nia say nothing then Arthur say how did you get this place to look so nice then Nia say when I had find it I had fix it up then Arthur say what are you working on now then Nia say I'm working on some plans and I'm also making clothes then Arthur say how did you get the things you need then Nia I just hunt down the animals well I got someone to do it for me and have them them to me then Arthur say why have you stop talking to me is it because I'm back with Mary then Nia say no and I could care less who you date we ain't together so if you are happy with her than so be it then Arthur say why are you acting like this then Nia say acting like what while  pouring Moonshine into a bottle then Arthur say this mad woman then Nia say well maybe I am this mad woman and if you don't like it than oh fucking well get used to it cause you're gonna see a lot more than a mad woman then Nia say and if you don't like it than there's the fucking door then Nia had went back to doing what she was doing then Arthur say I'm gonna go I'll check on you later then Nia say whatever then Arthur left then Nia had went back to doing what she was doing

The next day still nobody pov as everyone was doing work around the camp and John had  walked outside and he had saw Nia was sitting at a table doing something then John had went over to where she was at then John say what are you doing then Nia say just sharping my knife then John why then Nia say it's not sharp enough then John say what are you about to do then Nia say nothing I mean I still working on my plan to start a war between The Gray family and The Braithwaite family but as of right now I'm not doing anything well maybe I'll go hunting later or something then John say what's wrong then Nia say nothing then John say are you sure then Nia say yeah then Nia had got up and went inside and went up to her room and sat on her bed then she had thought about how she was gonna start a war between The Gray family and The Braithwaite family and she was thinking about should she go and meet Elizabeth or not then Nia had took her hat off and put it on the nightstand then Nia had got up and looked in the mirror then Nia had hold up her shirt and saw that she still had that bullet wound and that cut on her shoulder then Nia had strip out her clothes and put her night clothes on then Nia had sat on her bed then Nia had got her book out and started writing in it then she had put her book up and layed down and she just looked into the dark night just then she had went to sleep 

A few week later still nobody pov as Nia was up she had got dress but she stayed in her room cause she didn't feel like moving or leaving her room then Nia had got out of bed and went over to the mirror and lifted her shirt up and took the bandages off her stomach and saw that it stop bleeding but it still had the bullet hole then Nia had put her shirt down then Nia had took the bandages off her shoulder and saw it left a nasty scar but she was okay with it then Nia had sat on the bed with her head in her hands then someone say you alright there then Nia had looked up and saw it was Mary-Beth then Nia say yeah I'm fine then Mary-Beth say are you sure cause we haven't seen you outside or anything then Nia say I honestly don't know I mean I became this mad woman and now I'm truing into my father and I try so hard now to go back down that path again but I can't help it then Mary-Beth say you're nothing like Colm so don't say that then Nia say I been killing people in cold blood just for the fun of it then Mary-Beth say I heard what Sean been saying and I'm sorry then Nia say don't worry about it then Mary-Beth had left Nia room and went downstairs and back outside then she saw John was talking to Micah  and she could tell something was wrong with John then Micah say just talk to her and I'll find out then John had walked away then Mary-Beth say what's wrong with John then Micah say he's worried about Nia then Mary-Beth say why is she okay then Micah say I don't know I haven't seen her all day then Mary-Beth say she's in her room I went by to see if she was okay and she said she was okay but she said that she's becoming her father then Micah say well John is going up there to talk to her then Mary-Beth say okay then John had went in the house and went upstairs to Nia room and saw Nia was sitting on her bed then Nia had looked up and saw it was John then Nia say whatever it is I didn't do it then John say I wasn't gonna say anything now that you said something about that what did you do then Nia say she had it coming then John say what did you do then Nia say I may have punch Sadie in the face then John say why then Nia say she had it coming she kept coming at me and I warn yall that if she comes anywhere near me he would get hurt so I'm not in the wrong here then John say I don't even want to know then Nia say okay then John say what's on your mind then Nia say a lot then John say like what beside from the whole Arthur and Mary thing then Nia had told John what was going on then John say maybe you should meet her I mean if she is your mother you should at least get to know her then Nia say I will go tomorrow then John had left the room then Nia had went to sleep

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Mar 23, 2023 ⏰

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