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500 years ago......

The echoing sound of heavy footsteps rumbled through the empty castle walls.

The stench of blood permiated the air, giving it an overwhelmingly smell, but the laboured breathing and heavy footsteps never stopped, blood, trailed behind him as it oozed out of the open wounds on his body.

Yes, it was none other than the very hero of our tale, Kovu the great. He had led, his men in the battle against the skin walkers, many had died but many more survived.

Our brave king, on the verge of passing out, made his way to his home,the earth around him was stained with the both the blood of enemy and friend. As he made his way to the castle, his vision started to get blurry, his breathing became harder.

Finally he made it to his home, where his wife would be safely awaiting him. With his last ounch of strength he walked through the door, only to be met with the site within the castle walls.

Bloodied corpses where scattered throughout the castle halls, blood decorated every inch of the floors, it pained him to see the lifeless bodies of his people, the ones that cared for him and who he cared for and promised to protect all laid lifeless before him.

A scream, brought back his attention to the matter at hand,he followed the voice to where it came from, there before him, they very man he hated the one that caused all of this, in bed with his mate...or what he had thought was mate.

"Kovu"she exclaimed as she wrapped the bedspread around her naked chest.

"Wha- how could you do this to me?"Kovu exclaimed

"Fairly easy" His father smirked

"You-bastard, don't you dare say a word to me before I rip out your throat"Kovu said

"Please don't hurt him"she begged

"Have you gone mad woman, your mate is it not?"Kovu he said silence ensued

"Am I not?" He said harsher, louder than ever, it was so loud that it shook the castle walls.

"You....are not"she said softly but she knew he heard, she looked away from him

"So it was a lie then?"Kovu asked

"Yes yes....a big lie for you to fall for and get away from the castle, you were supposed to be dead, how are you still alive?"His father spoke and right in that moment, anger took over him, he attacked his father.

Despite having open wounds, he fought the man he called father. After a few moments, he managed to kill his father by ripping his heart out of his chest.

"Your a monster"Shouted Eve and his battered and bloodied body turned the woman he gave his heart too.

"Then what does that make you?"he said to her calmly as hatred brewing like a storm to n his eyes, fear gripped her heart as she looked into his eyes and saw that they no longer looked at her with adoration.

"Please Kovu"she pleaded but it fell on deaf ears as he stalked closer to her, with each step he took in her direction, dred filled her heart.

"Kovu please forgive me....I'm sorry my love"she said but her cries fell on deaf ears as he got to her, he laughed at her like a crazed man, the hairs on her skin stood up as she watched him shift into his wolf, a big black wolf, it stood three times taller than any horse and it was stronger than a bull.

She looked into the dark, glassy eyes, of the wolf, it's teeth snarled at her, spit dropped from its lips.

The last thing she was was the wolf extending its long claws as it attacked her.

That was the last time, the king was ever the same. Betrayed by the two people he loved the most, landed him a world of hurt. For decades he focused on growing his kingdom so that no one can ever hurt him again. His rule was fair and just and he can be cruel when he has too.

But, 500 years is a longggggg time, eventually, Kovu the great became Kovu King of the wolves, he protected his people and brought happiness to them.

Now this is where our story picks up, the one thing he vowed to never go after, walked right into his monochrome life.

Her explosive personality got his seeing in 4HD colour.

But will this love be a blessing or another lesson, for she has some demons of her own that she has been fighting.

Can they make it through this together or will this destroy them, well only time will tell.

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