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Anabelle (Belle)

I hid for the rest of dinner... I was not expecting that to happen. Trying to figure out my thoughts, that were racing a mile a minute, when a familiar voice speaks from behind me.

"Lovely dinner"he said and I turned around to look at James.

"You...."I shrieked and his hands flew up in a defensive position

"Hey what did I do?"he asked with an innocent face.

"Don't give me that, why didn't you tell me the truth?"I asked

"Would it of mattered?"he countered

"It would of, I nearly insulated the man"I said and he started laughing

"I would not of pictured that to be an outcome but it was much better"he said holding his stomach laughing harder than before and I rolled my eyes

"It wasn't that funny, I could of been beheaded"I shrieked with worry that finally got his attention.

"Trust me he wouldn't of done that"he said confidentially and I raised my eyebrows at him looking at him skeptical

"Oh so you just know for sure?"I questioned

"I've been his beta and best friend for the last 300 plus years, so it's safe to say I know him fairly well"he said

"Whoa your skin looks good for a walking mummy"I said and he nodded before he looked at me

"Come on really insulate me about my age.....that's low"he said

"And we are officially....even, put'em there friend"I said stretching out my hand for a shake which he accepted

"I need to ask the obvious question here, but how could you not know who he was...or any of us for that matter?"he asked

" Long story short, it doesn't matter to me, and I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just not that important to me, and I mean, status and hierarchy it's not something I keep up with,it's too exhausting to deal with "I said and he smiled

"I understand, seems like you and the King share something in common "he said it in a knowing way and I thank the moon goddess for the gift of melanin,cause my cheeks would of been rosy. He started out laughing again

"Aww does the alpha princess have a crush"he teased and I smacked him

"Your like the brother I never wanted "I said

"Aww come here sis"he said pulling me into a hug before a growl forced us apart, when we looked into the direction,it was none other than the Alpha King, looking pissed off

"What's eating him?"I whispered to James

"Shorter list would be what's not"he whispered back and we chuckled before he spoke to us.

"James have you located the wolf?"he asked forcefully

"Not yet,she seems to be off somewhere"he answered

"Then why aren't you looking for her"he said even more upset, the walls started shaking

"Oh better calm down and don't be messing up my kitchen"I shouted and he stopped before looking at me

"Did you not feel that?"he asked dumbfounded

"Ofcourse I did, my kitchen felt it too"I said

"What happened?"he asked

"Beats me, I've been like this since I was young, so I can't be overthrown with Alpha power, not even yours,now use your words"I told him

"We came here to find someone, can you help us?"James asked which made another growl leave his chest.

"Easy there big guy, it's my pack, who are you looking for?"I asked them

"Ava"he said and I stopped and looked at them, I'm pretty sure that the fear I felt was plastered all over my face

"You don't need to worry,were not here to hurt her"Kovu spoke gently and I felt myself relax dispite the river of tears my eyes held back.

"You pinky promise?"I said holding out my pinky and he smiled while taking it

"I Alpha King Kovu pinky promise not to hurt her"he said"can you tell me where she is"he asked and I nodded

"Follow me"I said to them as we took off to find my second in command, Ava.

When I was around 5, I was wondering thru the woods when I stumbled and fell into a ditch, I had hit my head and I was knocked out for I don't know how long, but when I came to, there she was, Ava, she looked brave but I could see that she was just as terrified as I was.

There were marks and buries on her skin, her eyes were wild and red, her bones could be seen through her skin. Yeah it was plain to see that we came from two very different worlds but we both clearly understood fear.

When my father found me, I made him take Ava along with us, so she would be part of the pack. She never told me how she ended up like that and there in the woods that day.

Kovu and James followed silently behind me as we walked to where she usually is,expect she wasn't alone...or decent.

Luckily I got to the door first when I saw what was going on I shut the door before looking T them, a bit flustered.

"Why do you look like you stole a cookie out of the jar?"James asked me

"No reason"I said

"Is she there?"Kovu spoke this time

"She is...."I trailed off looking at the floor with a new found interest.

"Well why aren't we going in?"Kovu asked again curious

"She isn't decent at this point of time, and it's bad manners to interrupt" I hinted hoping they would get the picture but they both looked dumbfounded

"What is she doing" James asked

"Fucking....I was trying to fuck..... what" her voice spoke behind the door and they both got pale.

"Are you dressed,the Alpha King is here to see you"I called back before scrambling was heard behind the door, and a male voice started cursing.

I giggled a bit before the handle of the door jiggled so I stepped away to stand next to Kovu and he smelt incredible.... like my favourite smell in the world....

'Mate' that word rang throughout my mind and bounce between my thoughts and feelings, mulling it over and over again, a sudden electrical shock jolted me back to reality as I jumped back purely out of reflex.

"Hey are you ok?"he asked, eyes full of concern and worry written on his face.

"Um sorry, I have to go, I trust you to keep your word Kovu"I spoke to him sternly which made his handsome face break out into a small crooked smile, we strared at eachother before someone cleared their throat.

"Glad you two can join us back on earth" James said and I rolled my eyes

"Your really annoying....did you know that?"I said to him which made him chuckle

"Oh you flatter me"he replied and I rolled my eyes

"Ava come see me after ok"I told her giving her a look and she smiled but nodded as I walked off.

I went back to my room where, I stayed till my father came in to talk.

We didn't really talk about anything in particular just father daughter nonsense, and I was at peace on the outside but on the inside I felt a stirring of emotions that I didn't know how to process.

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