Through You (SMUT) Frank Iero

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I was surprised that Frank let me come on tour with the rest of MCR. He always told me that Gerard would get jealous or something. I almost felt nervous that he let me go with him because of such stories. I didn't want to get in the way. Frank and I weren't a thing. We'd been...doing other intimate things...but with no strings attached. Another reason why I felt awkward joining the tour. But hey, it got me out of work and I'm not complaining.

"Are you sure you want me to bunk with you?" I stared at the tiny cubby. Frank gave me a shy, closed laugh. (GIF Image)

"Well, we don't have much of a choice." He mumbled. "There are only enough for the band. I hope I'm the only one in the band you're sleeping with in that way anyways."

"I've never actually met anyone else in the band anyways." I rolled my eyes.

"Good, then we won't have a problem." He nudged me playfully. "I'll let you unpack." He laughed to himself. I gave him a weird look as he walked away.

"I just don't know what to do." I heard Frank talking in the other room.

"Just say it. It's not that hard." I heard Gerard's recognizable voice.

"I would do anything just to get in her arms." Frank sighed. I started to move into the room with stealth.

"You've fucked her already, she should love you." Gerard's voice was definitely jealous.

"It doesn't work like that." Frank grabbed at his hair as he sat on the couch with his band mate. "(Y/N)!" He stood up quickly, blushing.

"Oh hey, Frank." I smiled. "Hi Gerard, big fan." I held my hand out for him to shake. He stayed seated with a smug look as he shook it.

"I see." Gerard mumbled, hiding his hand under his arm.

*After A Show*

The tour wouldn't just me tagging along and doing nothing. I helped man the merch table and I accompanied signings. I hated watching so many girls drool over Frank. I just wanted to tackle him there.

"Could you sign this?" I heard one of the brats ask. "I'm your biggest fan!" She squealed. I couldn't hate her for acting this way...I was once in her place.

"Are you lying to me?" Frank eyeballed her. She blushed nervously and looked around.

"No way! No!" She breathed hard and grabbed her things.

"Poor girl." I mumbled under my breath.

"Will there be loud noises this evening?" Ray gave Frank a raised eyebrow.

"Ray, shut up." Frank blushed.

"Probably." Gerard leaned in his chair. "There will be until he gets guts and then there will be twice as much."

Back at the bus I waited in the bunk for Frank to join me as he and I usually did every night. I waited in only my underwear for him with the curtain closed.

"Hey." I heard Frank whisper as the others were already fast asleep. He was already stripped to his boxers.

"Hi." I sat up slightly, exposing my lingerie.

"You look beautiful." He mumbled, crawling on top of me.

"Come here." I nearly moaned as I felt him through his boxers.

"I want to make tonight different." He pressed himself against me harder.

"Gag me." Gerard complained from across the way.

"Shut up and sleep asshole!" Frank yelled in a whisper.

"What do you mean?" I furrowed my brow. "I thought you liked it rough."

"I do...but it's's not enough." He sighed.

"Define not enough?" I asked as he dipped into my neck.

"Why define when I can just act?" He moaned into my ear.

"F-frank." I whined. I could barely take him for some reason.

Two of his fingers traced my side and hooked onto my panties. My heart began to race. Frank began to pull them down slowly as he sucked hickies onto my jugular vein. I writhed in ecstasy beneath him as he sat on his feet to kiss down my body. His fingers worked my clit as he took a nipple from my bra out.

"Take this off." He grunted, sticking two fingers into me.

"Shit! Alright!" I moaned. I heard Gerard moan sadly.

My breasts bounced as I released them. Frank paused his fingers and stared.

"So beautiful." He whispered before attacking one of my breasts and resuming his downstairs work.

"Frank, you're getting me close." I whined, grabbing on his forearms.

"I'm not stopping." He moved his mouth down and around my sex. The power from his fingers boiled me over the edge.

"Take it." Frank traced my lips with his fingers so I could lick them clean.

Frank leaned back and I crawled over him. He gave me a devilish look. I kissed down his body, my purple hickies throbbing as I did. He tangled his fingers in my hair as I took him in my mouth. He gave out a breathy moan as I swirled his tip around my lips.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He arched his back as he whispered.

"W-what?" I came up, nearly hitting my head on the ceiling.

"N-nothing. Here, come here." He motioned me onto him.

My body nearly shivered as I put my whole self onto him. I felt him slide into me, every last inch. My eyes lolled back into my head. His hands gripped my waist firmly as I began to slowly bob. I didn't want to shake the bus.

"Are you sure you don't want to do anything kinky?" I tilted my head as my breasts drug down from gravity.

"I'm sure." He moaned, his face contorting. "Just keep on." He began to use his hips to thrust.

His thrusts continued on but in a sloppy manner and he kept mumbling about me. It nearly worried me.

"Awe, mother of fuck." He arched so hard that he nearly lifted me up. I felt him release and I nearly panicked.

"Is everything okay?" I worried more for him. He gave a sweet smile and nodded.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He finally said clearly. I felt my heart begin to race again.

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