Vic Fuentes {FLUFF} Never Nervous

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Okay I finally find out who writes these 😅 okay this is on Tumblr and the account is bandimaginesxo

You were never a shy and quiet girl. Nervous and awkward, maybe, but that didn't stop you from singing at open mic nights on occasion, yelling at people from across the room if you wanted to embarass your friends, or even from fumbling over your words for who-knows-how long when it came to an important conversation. So when one of your friends informed you about an open mic night going on at one of your favorite bars, you couldn't say no.
The plan was: Go to a concert of your favorite band, Pierce The Veil, and then quickly change your outfit if needed at your friend's apartment because she lived closer, and then sing something at the open mic night, then get to bed so you're not exhausted for work tomorrow. So you got dressed in shorts and a PTV shirt, grabbed your phone, and went to meet your friend before the concert started. Luckily, the two of you got the venue fairly early, and at the same time, so meeting up and getting a good place in line wasn't difficult.
The two of you had been waiting for at least an hour now, and you needed to pee really badly. So having your friend hold your place, you went across the street to a public restroom. When you came back, your friend was just short of freaking out. You asked her what was going on, she grabbed onto your shoulders as words fell out of her mouth not making even a little sense.
"Slow down, what's going on?"
"It was- They-... Oh my.. (Y/N) YOU MISSED THEM!"
"They just walked past! Oh my god, you literally just missed them!"
"Are you shitting me?!"
You felt a stab of jealousy, and began silently cursing your bladder for making you miss seeing some of your favorite people. You didn't calm down until about halfway through the show, when your favorite song came on. It was your favorite because it helped you out a lot when you were going through a rough patch in your life, and it has held a solid place in your heart since it first filled your ears.
"If I were you, I'd put that away.. See you're just wasted and thinkin' 'bout the past again. Darlin' you'll be okay."
As you heard those lyrics, the moment became real for you. These amazing guys were right there. They were really there, really singing your favorite songs, and you just really got emotional over it.
After the concert, you got into your friend's car with her as she drove to her apartment so you could change into the outfit you had decided on the night before. You quickly changed and touched up your makeup as your friend did the same with herself. Once the two of you had finished, she drove you to the bar.
You sang (y/f/s) and it was going pretty great. The crowd of people inside the bar kept growing, and people kept clapping and cheering you on throughout the song. At the end of the song, you walked off to meet with your friend, only when you saw her, she was with a guy you recognized as her boyfriend of the last six months. You had forgotten he was supposed to meet with the two of you at some point tonight.
You opted out of the third-wheeling for right now, and instead you went to sit at a bar stool. You ordered a drink and sipped at it for a few moments before someone sat next to you. You weren't intending on looking at who it was, but then he started to talk.
"This seat taken?" No fucking way.
"U-Uhm.." Okay be cool, just play it off confident. "There's always an open seat for a very attractive member of my favorite band." Nice one, dumbass.
He smiled, and you let out a breath you hadn't realised you were holding to begin with.
"I'm sorry, that sounded.. That sounded a lot better in my head." You said after a moment of silence.
"Don't sweat it. I'm Vic, but I'm guessing you already know that, right? You look sort of familiar. And with a voice like what I heard up there, I think I'd remember you."
"I was at your concert earlier, but I doubt you actually saw me in that massive crowd of people." You looked down at your lap, trying to believe this was actually happening.
"No, I definitely know you from somewhere. You posted a video of you covering one of our songs, didn't you? I know that I know you from somewhere."
"How did you even see that video?"
"There was down time on the bus, I got a little bored, saw a ridiculously cute girl on a thumbnail for a cover of one of our songs, how could I not?" He looked over at you, and you felt a blush find it's way to your cheeks as well as a smile that found it's way to your lips.
"Clicked the video, was blown away by the amazing voice, and then I'm just lucky enough to get to hear it again tonight."
"I-I.. I.. Uhm.. T-Thank you.." You said, blushing bright red and smiling like you've never smiled before. This couldn't possibly be real.
"Could I know the name of this little angel?"
"(Y/N.)" This was the first time in a long time you weren't sure how to keep the conversation going, you were too blown away.
"Would you maybe like to go out on a date with me sometime?"
"I would love to, Vic."
He smiled, and you smiled too. A moment of shared smiles felt great as the moment passed between the two of you. You traded phone numbers, but the night was still young, and he would have to leave tomorrow. So now here you two were, walking down the street to a bowling arcade for a "date" of a 1v1 bowling game or two, an order of fries, an order of chicken wings, and two drinks.
As you bowled, you told stories to each other and got to know each other a little better. He told you crazy tour stories he hadn't shared with the media yet, and you told him stories about how dumb things that have happened in your life that made you both laugh. He asked you questions about yourself, and you asked him things you were curious about. It was a great night, two games down, and it was getting late.
"You look tired, little miss (y/n)."
"I have work first thing in the morning. Plus it's like 2am."
"Well, I'll walk you home then. I should probably be getting back to the guys anyways. Where do you work? I could stop by before we have to leave?"
"That would be amazing. I work at (inset business name here)."
"See you around 9am?"
"It's a date."
"A two second date."
"Well.. It's a plan, then."

Band Smut and FluffOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz