The Calm in the Aftermath

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Jim woke hours later, his head pillowed on a firm chest, strong arms wrapped around his body. He was surprised to find that he felt well rested and content. The rhythmic rise and fall of Spocks breathing and the warmth of his bare skin against Jim's own body was very comforting. He felt safe and loved. It was almost enough to lull him back to sleep.

He was, however, not tired enough to drift back off. So he lay there a few more minutes, basking in the comfort of his lovers arms. Eventually, he grew bored, but he found himself unwilling to leave the bed and the comfort of Spocks arms. He slowly turned over in Spocks arms and reached for his padd from his bedside table.

Padd in hand, he snuggled back against Spock and started on paperwork. Time flew by as Jim filled out and filed form after form. Reviewed and signed off on misson reports, acquisition requests, crew schedules, and maintenance logs. A starship captains work is never done, so it seems. There was always something that needed to be done. So he filled out the forms, all the while cuddled up next to Spock. A small smile unconsciously curved his lips upward and stayed there. Just days ago, he would never have imagined this was possible. Despite the work, this really was the life.

After a while of doing reports, Spock began to stir, his arms tightened around Jim, and he buried his face into his neck. Jim smiled fondly at his lover's sleepy movements and turned his head just enough to place a kiss to Spocks hairline. He then went back to the reports, giving Spock time to fully rouse himself.

It was many minutes, however, before Spock was awake enough to unwind himself from his love. But he finally did pull himself out from under the covers. When he had got himself out of bed, looking adorably rumpled, He turned to Jim and asked.

"Ashayam. Would it be acceptable to you for me to make use of your shower? I find myself in need of one."

Jim waved him on. "Of course you can! Go ahead, I'll take one after you've finished. I still have a few reports to finish." Then, eyeing the pile of Spock's clothes on the floor, he continued. "You can also grab some of my clothes to wear after your shower. Yours look a bit wrinkled, and they're probably dirty."

Spock nodded and selected some clothes from the dresser. Then, he made his way into the bathroom. A minute or two later, Jim heard the shower turn on. He turned his attention back to the padd and hurried to finish the last of his paperwork.

It was done by the time Spock reappeared from the bathroom. He was fully dressed in Jims borrowed clothes. His damp hair was combed into place. Jim grinned lasciviously. He liked how Spock looked in his clothes. Especially now that he had seen what was under them.

Spocks' lovely chest and thick muscled legs were burned into his mind. As well as the view of that ass covered only with his underwear. And damn those underwear really didn't leave much to the imagination! His grin widened at the mental picture.

Spock caught his gaze, and his lips turned up slightly in an indulgent smile. He walked purposefully over to Jim and, gently tipping his head back, placed a soft kiss on his upturned lips. Jim opened his mouth into the kiss with a moan. Spock obliged and deepened the kiss, caressing his tongue against Jim's own.

They kissed hot and heavy for several minutes until Jim tried to coax Spock back into bed. Spock pulled away slightly, breaking the kiss.

"Ashayam." He whispered against Jim's lips. "I have much to do today. Therefore, unfortunately, we can not continue this at the moment."

Jim whined petulantly in the back of his throat. Spock deposited a gentle kiss to Jim's forehead before climbing back off of the bed. "I must go, my love. But we can eat breakfast together in the mess hall if you hurry. Also, I will come back tonight if I am welcome?"

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