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"Oakley Get up!" Jenny yelled from the kitchen

"Im getting there, What time is it?" I asked

"Almost time to leave and we still need to feed and load the horses!" My mom yelled back

"Oh Shit!!" I yelled as I leaped up from bed, changed into jeans, a black tank top, Hey dudes, then ran downstairs

"Took you long enough" Rowan laughed as I ran down

"Ro, when did you get here?" I asked her as I grabbed my hat and Pit-Vipers, and made sure I had money and my phone

"Ive been here for a while" She laughed " I've been here sence 3 am" she finished

"Dang Girl!" I said before we all left the house

~At the barn~

"Morning Twister" I laughed as I gave him some kisses and treats, then put his blanket on him

"Morning Butch" I heard Rowan say quietly

"Girls, go fast we dont have that long" My mom said 

I filled up 2 hay-bags for him then another 2 for Butch, as i did that Rowan and my mom loaded our tack, being Saddles, Bridles, Saddle Pads, Tie-Downs, Boots(For the horses), Ropes, water buckets, ect.

"Lets get you loaded up" I said as I attached the lead rope to twister's halter then loaded him into the trailer,  Butch following in soon after

The ride up to Garwood was LONG it was like a hour or so we would arrive there by 5 or 6 and it doesn't start till 7 so I have an hour to warm up

Me and Rowan ended up sleeping the whole way there

I got shooken awake by my mom then I woke up Rowan, We were there, while my mom parked I went inside and signed me and Rowan in, I ran into a few old friends but then saw my rodeo crush, Tate Smith, Hes so fine...I never said that

"Sign in for Oakley, Jones, And also Rowan...Johnson" I said to the sign in lady

"Thank you, Have a good day and Good Luck!"

"Thank you" I said back

I went out to my mom and Rowan to help unload things and get ready for the day, We took the horses in and put them in their stalls then went back out to the trailer and got out tack.

So we relaxed until later on

So far im likeing thisss, its not bad, But if you have any questions please ask away

ALSO if you have requests for future chapters please comment them here!! 

Thank you!

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