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As I walked away from Tate and over to Twister I ran into a few roughies

"Oh My bad, Im sorry!" I quickly apologized then walked past them

" Dang mamma, Sway those hips" Said one of the roughies followed by a whisle and a few laughs

I dont want this to happen I thought to my self, I dont wanna deal with roughies agian. Roughies in my area are aggressive towards females at rodeos, and I'm also all alone right now cause Rowan and Kacey went off and I just left Tate.

I just ignored them and walked away, hearing a few more cat calls but I ignored it and kept walking till I heard foot steps behind me, and I figured I wont look cause then they would know if I was scared or not.

Dont look


Oakley, Dont look! 

I looked and saw all of them a few feet away from me, but of course I was in the back barn and nobody was back there.

"Wanna show us what those hips do?" The, what seemed to be the leader said

"No thanks, I have to get ready" I said polity

"I think you should" He said then pulled me down and ally way while the others blocked the way out

"Get Off Of Me!" I yelled at him and pushed his arms off of me and attempted to run away but was blocked by the others

"Where do you think your going?" The one said as he pulled me back and hit me across the face making my nose bleed

I grabbed my nose and groaned then hit him back

"How do you like it!?" I yelled back only to be hit agian

"Shut Up!" He yelled

"Hey, Whats going on back there?" I heard a familiar voice say

"Nothing is sir" They all said or something along the lines of that

"Then you wont mind moving?" He said

"Back Here!!" I yelled but got my mouth covered and hit agian

Yeah, my nose is so broken

"shut up" The guy whispered

The guy pushed his way in, i still dont know who it is i cant really see

"Hey!" The roughies yelled

"What are you doing to her!?" The guy yelled, then i heard punches thrown and feet hitting the ground but they were running away

"Oakley, Oakley Its me, Are you ok?  Its me Tate" I heard him say

"Tate? Oh hey, I think my nose is broken" I groaned as he picked me up, my arm over his shoulders and his hand holding my arm up and the others around my back holding my jean loop on my waist

"It just might be broken oakley" He laughed

"Its ok, not this first time" I smiled and used my hand to wipe my nose

"Pfft- what are you going to do? Still show" He joked

"...yeah?" I said dead serious

"Your joking? Your going to show" He asked as we walked to the camper/trailer

"Im being serious, I can show still" I said as i sat down in the camper and told him where the med-kit is

"Stay Still" He said as he cleaned my nose and put swabs in my nose so i dont bleed onto my shirt anymore

"Can you call Kacey and Rowan and tell them to come here?" I asked

"Sure" Tate said then called Kacey, getting both to come here cause they were together

"Hey whats wron- Oh My God Oakey!!" Rowan said as she came running in

"Rowan, Im ok! Im still going to show" I said

"Wait so what  happened?" Kacey asked so i told him all of it

"So yeah, Then you guys got here" I told him

"But your alright, Right?" He asked

"Yes, Im fine" I smiled

"Hey its getting late, Can I crash here?" Kacey asked me

"Sure, I dont care!  Tate, you can too if you want" I said then looked over at Tate and he was litterly falling asleep while leaning on the wall

"mmh?" Tate asked

"I said you can stay here for the night if you want" I said as he sat on the pull-out couch

"Thanks" He said as he fell asleep

Later on, around midnight i would think, I woke up

"Oh my, yawn What time is it?" I said then looked at the clock, it read 2:30 am, dispite the time i got up to go to the bathroom, after i used the restroom and looked at my nose a bit more, i was about to go back to bed when i heard like shaking.

"What is that?" I said as i looked around then saw Tate shivering, dont get me wrong, it was hot outside, but we had the camper cold and we were all in sweatpants, sweatshirts, and blankets, but Tate was wearing Jeans, a Tee-Shirt, and no sweatshirt, no blanket. I felt bad and I personally was heating up, so I gave him my heated blanket i was using. As I went back to bed, Wide Open Spaces By: The Chicks was playing softly in the background it was a whole mood.

Then I went to bed, ready for the day ahead of me and my friends!



PLEASE PLEASE Give me ideas for future chapters

Pretty please 

Anyway Love yall <3

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