Day 2: 4:42pm

15 3 0

oops im alive still.

though honestly i am half dead.

today was quite eventful

i was the priest, ring man, music man, and best man, of my friends "wedding"

it wasnt real but it was funny tbh

i should be hired as a priest irl im so good

this is what i said:

"do you (best friends name) take (her boyfriends name) to be your husband?"

"i do"

"do you (her boyfriends name) take (best friends name) to be your wife?"

"i do" 

"put the ring on the fingers, and say your 'vows'"

*says vows*

"your bloody married, now ya have to kiss"

i had to do that all while being the best man, music and ring guy.

im such a good priest :)

anyways thats my day

love ya!

-Mikey xx

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