My slam poem:]

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i thought id share my very bad and probably not even slam poem that i did for school!

Stage one, who am I?

I stare into the mirror, my long, brown hair lays snuggly on my shoulder, just like I would my bed. I travel my eyes down, slowly moving down my body, painfully taking in the reflection. My reflection looks back at me, the look of disgust is on my face. I don't look right. I don't feel comfortable. I don't feel like me. Crystal beads of water cascade down my face.

Stage 2, finding me.

I spent days, weeks, and months, trying to find my missing pieces. I question – is it even worth it? My head is running around in circles like it was doing endless laps on the running track, leaving me light-headed. I wanted to scream, my lungs needed to let out so much air that wasn't there.

I thought it was easy.

All my friends are happy, why can't I be happy?

because I'm missing something. I'm missing the large role that is meant to play. I look at boys walking past me, wishing I looked like that. Some days I wish I was born the role of my younger brother, or look at the mirror and go

"That's not me"

"I was born the wrong way"

"My body doesn't look right"

Most days I wake up and can't even look in the mirror, because I know I'm going to be disgusted with what I saw. I spend hours laying in my bed, scrolling on social media, and observing. Thoughts run through my head, filling it up quickly.

'That looks so good

'I wish that was me'

'I wanna look like him....'

I wave of tears rushes down my cheeks like a sprint race.

Stage 3. This is who I am.

Slowly, it all comes together, like a puzzle piece. I just need the few missing pieces to finish this masterpiece.

Baby steps. That is all it took. From body major body dysmorphia to loss of eating, and finding new interests that I feel comfortable with, it all uncovered who I was meant to be. No wonder I thought my body looked wrong. it wasn't that I was too overweight, it wasn't that I was bullied for years at a time. It was all because I didn't feel like me.

I didn't look how I wanted to be. I didn't have the short, fluffy hair, or the typical teenage boy's body. I wanted to be called something else. I didn't want to be called 'daughter' or hear the pronoun 'she' or 'her' when I was talked about. I wanted to be 'he' or 'him'. I wanted to be called my parents 'son', and my uncles and aunties 'nephew'.

With the help of my friends, I'm now who I want to be. No matter who will be introduced as, or looked at as ill always be seen as me. I'll be the same person who my parents had the joy to have.

I am still me.


i love it thooo

mkay i love you all! drink, eat, sleep, read fanfics, repeat, ill see you later!

-Mikey xx

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