Day... idk its Tuesday - 12:34am

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hi y'all!

it is currently midnight here in aus, and i cant sleep


anyways just wanted to say im alive and well

actually not well, its currently very cold here, and i have gotten sick :(


i was watching the WWE 39 with Dominik and Rey Mysterio 


Lmao watching dom getting beat by a belt to teach him to not hit his old man is funny though-


also, i got to hold my aunties little babies since they came home a week ago, and let me tell you, THEY ARE SO CUTEEEE

their names are adorable as well, but due to privacy reasons, they will not be exposed.

they are so tinyyyyy and their little baby hands OMGGGG


thats all


please eat, drink and sleep

dont sh

its not worth it

and ill see you next update


-Mikey xx

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