Chapter 12

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No ones' POV

A long time ago, the multiverse was just a blank. There is nothing in the multiverse. It's just as dark and cold as the void that we know. Until one day, the multiverse breed an energy. The energy divided into two. One is Destiny, One is Fate. They opened their eyes and saw nothing but dark. They think the multiverse need life. So, they created the first life in the multiverse, Classic Sans. After that, they work together with Classic and made the aus. Classic Sans is the original version of the sans aus because the sans aus are made, by having some idea from his looking and power. Then, they think they need a protector and a destroyer for the balance, which is Ink,the protector and Error,the destroyer. Ink didn't get to meet them because he hasn't wake up yet. But Error did, he get to meet them when he wakes up. After that, they dissapeared. There aren't any things or information left about them. But, after so many years, there are still have people that believes they are exist. This is the story that handed down to this day.

Nightmares' POV

This story...everyone knows about it except for the part that Ink and Error are created by them and Error meet them before. "What do you want to say?" I asked Error. I hope I could get answer for this question. "I...think the guy from before may be Classic.." I was so shocked that I couldn't even speak clearly. "W-why would you think that?"

Errors' POV

I knew he would act like this so I don't have much react. "I told you that I get the chance to meet him, Destiny and Fate. That guy reminds me of Classic."  Yes, that guy gives me this feeling that he is Classic. "I don't know how but I just feel this way." "..." Nightmare didn't reply me. He may think that I'm crazy to think that the mysterious guy is Classic. "I belive in you." I'm shocked...I never thought that he would belive in me. "You meet them before right? I'm sure you have this feeling because of this." "...Thanks" I didn't know what to say so I just came up with a thanks.


(AN:Errors' story will be told in another chapter as an extra story so everyone could understand the Error in my au more.)

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⏰ Last updated: 13 hours ago ⏰

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