The Reason Why

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Tony knew that Riff was wanting to know the reason why Tony won't let him do things the way he wants to do them and it's easy to explain it to him because it was something that he wanted to know immediately now. He sighed as he ponders whether or not to tell Riff. Truth is Tony won't handle losing him well. He wouldn't be able to cope with it. He wouldn't be able to handle Riff's loss. The loss of Riff would break his heart and shatter his soul into a bunch of pieces also.

The loss of Riff would break his heart beyond repair. His life wouldn't be happy. His heart would be shattered beyond repair. Just like if it was the other way around Riff wouldn't be able to handle losing Tony. Tony just wanted to make sure that he didn't lose his best friend. Even if that means Riff feels like his best friend Tony betrayed the Jets. It was not meant to be having Riff feel like that,yes he didn't want to rejoin the Jets but he would never betray Riff, his lifelong pal.

For Riff, it's not going to matter what happens to him as long as the Jets beat the Sharks and the Jets are the winners of the rumble. But to his best friend,it did matter what happens to him and that was part of the reason that he didn't want Riff to do this and why he was trying to get him to stop it.

Why couldn't Riff let go of his pride and the Jets pride for the sake of his and the Jets lives? It was all because of his stubbornness and the pride that he and the Jets have in them that made Riff not call off the rumble. He said,"Riff wait." as they were walking around together,Tony hoping he wouldn't go back to the fight and he was trying to ensure that. Riff was kind of oblivious to that fact.

Riff asked,"Yes, Tony?" His lifelong bestie looks at him with a serious look on his face as if he was telling Riff that what he had to say to him right now was dead serious and Riff knew not to speak anything like a joke to lighten him up about whatever it is and he quietly waited for him to begin talking. Soon his waiting was finished as he clears his throat and said,"Riff,I need to tell you the reason why. Why I don't want you to do the rumble. Why I was trying to talk you out of it." The Jets leader nodded quietly.

Tony said,"Riff,the reason why is because I-" Riff asked,"You what Tony?" Tony breathes heavily and Riff grabs his hands,"Tony, it's okay. Take your time buddy boy. Breathe." Tony's breathing becomes erratic and Riff kneels down in front of him. He pulls his best friend close as he cries and he began to say something among the lines of "No, don't do that to him. Leave him alone. No, don't leave me! Riff! No Riff!"

Riff said,"Listen to me. I'm okay. I'm here. I've got you. Tony breathe, I've got you bud." Tony began thrashing around and the thrashing around soon became more extreme to the point where Riff has to restrain him and hold Tony down firmly. He grabs his arms and firmly yet gently holds them down and climbs onto him and the weight of his body is pinning him down securely. Tony's breathing becomes calmed. His thrashing comes to a stop under Riff's weight. Riff shushed him and strokes his hair as Tony becomes more settled down.

Riff slowly releases his hold on him. Tony then decided to try to tell him the reason why. "I can't handle losing you. There's no way I would be able to cope with losing you. Just like you wouldn't have been able to cope with losing me. I couldn't handle losing my best friend. That's the reason why I don't want you to do this in the first place. Because deep down in me I knew how it'd go and how it might have ended. I'm sorry I have given you the wrong idea as to why I didn't want you to be part of the rumble.

And also because anything that happens to Bernardo it indirectly hurts Maria as well. But mainly because I won't be able to cope with losing you. You're my best friend Riff. I wouldn't have handled losing you well at all,just like you wouldn't have handled losing me well. I just thought that you should know that. I wanted you to know the reason why I was not allowing you to do this. And I hope you understand that now. I was doing it to save your life and for her but mainly and importantly to save your life."

Riff nodded understandingly,hugging Tony. Knowing that what Tony had said about Riff and him was right. Tony wouldn't have been able to cope with losing him and he wouldn't have been able to cope with losing him. There's no way he wouldn't understand that because after all it is the truth for them because he wouldn't cope with losing Tony and Tony wouldn't cope with losing Riff. That's just the friendship of Tony and Riff. And it will always be true for Tony and Riff. After all womb to tomb was not a joke to them,it was like a friendship vow for them.

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